Newbie Young lad!

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Newbie Young lad!
How do everyone thought i'd get it to this hopefully pics up soon..

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Welcome to the forum Smile

Nice plate lol
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(22-01-2013, 11:47 AM)Scott Wrote: Welcome to the forum Smile

Nice plate lol

Trust you to make some sort of comment about that! lol

Welcome along mate, got any plans for the motor?
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Love the plate!
On the 306 waiting list.
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Welcome along :-)

1.4 meridian?
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Its the 1.6 and i ain't touching it atm.
I may consider some lights and the GTI-6 wheels.
I like the standard look.
Any idea's welcome.

The plate is ace i wouldn't swap it for the world Wink.
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Was it awkward asking someone to take a pic of you leant against your car?
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What are birds for?
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[Image: J5hxCcC.jpg]
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Perving on.

lmao cum plate
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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lol welcome along mate
[Image: IMAG0356-1.gif]
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true that!
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As said above nice number plate and welcome the the club!
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oh billy your not to far from me and a couple of my mates with 306's Smile

how far from reddish/stockport are you?
Official Team Go-NAD fan club
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God you guys are so imature Tongue


Welcome along mate

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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How do milkman, i reckon about an hour depending how i drive Tongue
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Welcome to the forum...

The missus said, do you know any Waddilove or Millward?
[Image: KrisB-new-Logo11.gif]
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(26-01-2013, 05:25 PM)Billyfr1 Wrote: How do milkman, i reckon about an hour depending how i drive Tongue

Hmmmmm 1.6 so make it 3hours Wink
Official Team Go-NAD fan club
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(26-01-2013, 07:03 PM)the milkman Wrote:
(26-01-2013, 05:25 PM)Billyfr1 Wrote: How do milkman, i reckon about an hour depending how i drive Tongue

Hmmmmm 1.6 so make it 3hours Wink

kiss my wrong en, nowt wrong with a 1.6.

oh, welcome matey.
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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CumCar lol
Welcome along, turbo 1.6 maybe?
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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Welcome mate. I'll be living your way in a few months.
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[Image: d1e17c95351ab0b039cd01b4e445ce5a.jpg]
[Image: edit2_zpsbe60b3ca.jpg]

Team derv FLAME and CONROD spitters
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How young is young? Nice looking car btw
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Hey Young as a driver can be 17 Smile Hence no mods yet but when i done with col will fix her up the way she deserves. Btw an update...
Driving through preston and some silly Asian on her phone went straight into the back of me Sad
Give the car a lump on its rear Sad

And dave wigan is only 45 mins from me
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please tell me your claiming the f*ck out of them!!
Official Team Go-NAD fan club
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Welcome along youngblood Smile 5 doors = more whores so good choice shame about the Asian on the phone.
Pics of damage? and I'm sure if you go through the insurance for the damage they will try and write it off - you have 2 choices here. You can let them write it off offer you fa fair value for the car and keep the salvage then it will be a category D or C write off for which the car will need a Vehicle Identity Check commonly referred to as a VIC test costing about £45 and carried out at your nearest VOSA station.
Your other option is you can insist that the vehicle is repaired to your satisfaction at cost to her insurance company as it was her fault - don't let them fob you off with the cheaper option for them. Stick to your guns if you want it repaired.
Financially you would probably be better off taking the money for the car and depending on the level of damage either slap a secondhand bumper on it and vic test it and drive it till the mot/tax expires then weigh it in or just let them take it if its badly damaged bodywise.
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or see it as if anythings fell off your car its just performance lightening Big Grin
Official Team Go-NAD fan club
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(31-01-2013, 02:26 PM)Billyfr1 Wrote: Hey Young as a driver can be 17 Smile Hence no mods yet but when i done with col will fix her up the way she deserves. Btw an update...
Driving through preston and some silly Asian on her phone went straight into the back of me Sad
Give the car a lump on its rear Sad

And dave wigan is only 45 mins from me

bloody hell you're doing alright too have a 1.6 at 17!, better than my 1.4 at 18 haha.
from experience I wouldn't bother claiming for any accident when you're young, just having the insurers know I've had an accident with no one claiming put it up 30 quid, put my insurance up by 300 quid with my dad added cause he had a no fault claim last year! Its madness
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Yup they are shizters no fault accident that wont affet me they say.... Whats this 30 a month increase then... W*****Rs. No point in claiming very little damage so i leaving it for now its a very minor llump on metal between boot and bumper. Seen lots of 306 with same dintds and lumps...
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