Best excuses to the police

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Best excuses to the police
Took the car out for the first time in over 3 months on last night, got pulled over 3 times within 2 hours for excessive noise, smoke etc etc

just wandering what the best answers/excuses you lot have come up with for these situations with the police
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'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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Just say you don't know what they are on about and then screen off in a cloud if coal
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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ive not been pulled yet but if they said its kicking out to much smoke i will just say well its and old Peugeot diesel not like these modern diesel that dont smoke.

And as for noise pretend to be def lol what noise officer its always sounded like that ;-)

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Just say your name's Pellowe and you've broken another turbo..... Wink
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Thats funny ive not been pulled over for years you must drive like a proper twat tbh lol if the cars noise was so bad theyd just get vosa check it n pull your pants down and same for smoke
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(13-01-2013, 09:48 AM)CJ_Derv Wrote: Thats funny ive not been pulled over for years you must drive like a proper twat tbh lol if the cars noise was so bad theyd just get vosa check it n pull your pants down and same for smoke

This ^^^^^ iv been driving a round with a masivly coaly tune for 2 years with a straight through and iv not been pulled for it

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Maybe it's because the car's just been put back on the road and was SORN before?

If not then yes I'm inclined to agree.
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Same here, never been pulled in the estate...
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(13-01-2013, 10:00 AM)cwspellowe Wrote: Same here, never been pulled in the estate...

That's because your 'state is so subtle Chris.
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(13-01-2013, 10:00 AM)cwspellowe Wrote: Same here, never been pulled in the estate...

they carnt pull ya if ya broke down can they.
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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(13-01-2013, 10:03 AM)kingy Wrote:
(13-01-2013, 10:00 AM)cwspellowe Wrote: Same here, never been pulled in the estate...

they carnt pull ya if ya broke down can they.


No they can't pull me for the month it was off the road. The other 7 months they could if they wanted.
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I wasn't doing anything wrong at all, i was under the speed limit, not revving. first time i got pulled was for headlight aimed a bit high and "you need to get a quieter exhaust" second pull was "your car stuck out like a sore thumb, i heard it over all the traffic"
had the full walk around and tires checked just to be told "you obviously look after your car but that is just too loud for use on the road and it annoys people, smokes a bit too"

never had any trouble driving it before, maybe it is because its been off the road for a while/unlucky. who knows
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'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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I've never been pulled, even in a saab with bright green bits.

Bored policeman methinks!!
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I've never been pulled due to the car. Been pulled a few times to check licence and insurance though.
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that got to be a bored policeman if they are just throwing in comments and not actually backing them up!
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Tbf being had 3 times in the same night for the same thing is a bit sus, maybe theyve just had a bollocking from their chief about some bad press re anti social noise or sumat, who knows.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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My fave one for getting pulled for smoke is "sorry oficer, my turbo has just gone, im going to go to the scrappers and get a new one and change it at the weekend"

Occasionally " Well i shouldnt really tell you, dont say anything but I design stuff for MI6 and were working on an new smoke screen for secret agents cars"
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I say my boost pipe has come off hence the amount of smoke and trying to go home to fix it haha
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i did find the "what is this vehicle and why have you fitted this exhaust" comment rather amusing. he had no idea what it was , and that it was diesel lol
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'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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When I've been pulled for modded cars they usually just wanna check that it's all declared, I just invite then to phone my insurers, who are open 9-5 Monday-Friday whistle
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Had a copper pull me because my car sounded funny/awesome when I went past him the opposite way a little too fast.
Basically we just had a chat about tuned diesels for 10 mins then he let me on my way
Not that I was complaining but it was slightly strange situation
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If u were pulled 3 times in one night, its quite clear that you were driving your car like a nob in a public area....or else you wouldnt have been seen 3 times by the popo, let alone pulled...

If your going to take ur car for a rag, at least go out in the countryside somwhere where your not disturbing anyone and not much traffic around...always makes me laugh all the local chavs ragging there corsa's around town...and then wonder how they keep getting told of!
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all i was doing was driving through town to get to the decent road on the other side. not doing anything to attract attention, just driving through under 30mph. copper pulled out of lay-by when i went past and pulled me a few meters down the road, second time was going through another town about 15 miles away, again just on my way through, but that was for the light been aimed too high then got pulled a final time on my way home because i went into a carpark to turn around, copper saw it and must have thought it was suspicious so he followed me for a while then pulled me heading out of town again. i know theres alot cops around on a saturday night so wouldnt be stupid enough to be pratting about in the middle of town.
all asked to check my licence and insurance so i guess its come up on there radar as been new in the area after been off the road for a while. they were alright about it, one of them was actually quite interested that it was a diesel Smile
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'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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I got pulled several times in the Mazda Roadster, never been pulled driving anything else!

To be fair one time I was weaving between pot holes and they thought I might have been drunk!
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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I have been known to the local plod a while back when i had lots of money and a stream of fast cars, we were on first names terms haha, used to get pulled just to see what i was driving since the last time i saw them. that was a while ago now though, haven't seen any coppers i recognized yet
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'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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A mate of mine was on his way home one night, he was flatout on his way home one evening when he was pulled over by the peelers. he comes up to the window and says, "Evening Captain, having a bit of bother taking off tonight are we?"

ahhahaha, Some cops are dead on!
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(13-01-2013, 02:09 PM)Ollie Wrote: A mate of mine was on his way home one night, he was flatout on his way home one evening when he was pulled over by the peelers. he comes up to the window and says, "Evening Captain, having a bit of bother taking off tonight are we?"

ahhahaha, Some cops are dead on!

Didn't really understand that.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
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(13-01-2013, 02:18 PM)kentiiboii Wrote:
(13-01-2013, 02:09 PM)Ollie Wrote: A mate of mine was on his way home one night, he was flatout on his way home one evening when he was pulled over by the peelers. he comes up to the window and says, "Evening Captain, having a bit of bother taking off tonight are we?"

ahhahaha, Some cops are dead on!

Didn't really understand that.

o dear kent...
he was going that fast he maked out that it was a plane.

[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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traffic cops in herefordshire are proper pigs, proper wallys.

They just pick you for anything tiny....annoys the hell out of me...well not anymore...North Cotswolds now and they are not even around!
Wishes for more power...
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Ive only ever been stopped once for genuinely driving like a dick and i didnt even have to get out the car.

Well i say driving like a dick, went round a roundabout and a new fiesta ST behind me came round quick and kept on my arse so i dropped 2 gears unto a 40. Continued around several roundabouts sppedily then up a dual carriageway. Pulled up next to me at the lights and wound down the window. Was two coppers! Just said you need to slow down mate! Was definitely a "yes sir ill behave moment" lol.

Been pulled several times but just for checks and the police have always been happy the car is roadworthy and well looked after. One actually took a real interest but i wasnt sure if he was trying to catch me out after i told him what i had done to it and he said "bloody hell i bet it corners like its on rails"
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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