13-01-2012, 05:38 PM
This place has go-karting and appears to have larger fields
FCS camping
13-01-2012, 05:38 PM
This place has go-karting and appears to have larger fields
13-01-2012, 06:00 PM
why not just make it easy and make it one big group again?
13-01-2012, 06:06 PM
Dum-Dum Wrote:TBH that camp site looks a bit posh, you gotta bear in mind that although were sensible for a car club were hooligans compared to most campers and sods law says well end up next to the 90 year old bat who thinks going to bed at 8pm is a late night and would get anoyed by the noise of a mouse far less 30 of us having lolz after a few beers.bloke said they dont mind drinking and a bit of noise, had loads of car clubs camp their over the years but yeah, im with ya. just trying to get what people have said they want. will look at others, (got a couple in mind). post some pics up and see what people think. thanks all for the feed back. this is going to be harder than what i thought.
13-01-2012, 06:07 PM
springs Wrote:why not just make it easy and make it one big group again?would that still be possible?
13-01-2012, 06:26 PM
Connor Wrote:Does look tidy, shame about open fires, but a bbq will be good enough Define BBQ..... Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.
13-01-2012, 08:14 PM
kingy Wrote:bloke said they dont mind drinking and a bit of noise, had loads of car clubs camp their over the years but yeah, im with ya. Well in that case if theyer local and look good if theyll do us a good price per person per night then game on IMO Oh and im defo coming now as my leave is authorised and im off 3pm thursday to 2pm monday so im up for camping friday and saturday like last year.
13-01-2012, 08:40 PM
NiallHarper Wrote:Foxy-jim Wrote:Could we not ask to book out a whole field of theirs? Well no...but they may do a bulk price if we get a few of us! ![]()
13-01-2012, 08:40 PM
Dum-Dum Wrote:be nice to meet ya and the rest of the crew. went to fcs last year on my own but didnt really speak to as many people as i would have liked. im a little shy round people i dont know. dont get me wrong, i aint boring by any means (you will see this when we all meet).kingy Wrote:bloke said they dont mind drinking and a bit of noise, had loads of car clubs camp their over the years but yeah, im with ya. anyways, women says disount if booked on line for a start, just need to know that people are coming (hopefully at least 30) so i have got grounds to haggle. will see what she says when i ring over the week end. the camp site is use to a bit of noise anyway as its used for when download is on. bloke says dont mind drunken behavore, just dont start reving your engines at 3 in the morning and doing doughnuts on his lawn. understanderble i think. ![]()
13-01-2012, 09:06 PM
It goes against all my principles but I'm actually looking forward to this!
![]() Am I correct in thinking that Pugfest is only about 3 weeks after this???
13-01-2012, 11:11 PM
I'm going to put this in this thread for now as probs best to keep camping talk all in the same place... I have been in discussion with club-306 for the last few days (I'm an active member there to) trying to possibly organize a group camping event, its something ive been trying to organize for years, but not had success due to the whole ".net trouble" that was caused a few years ago.... Now I've explained the situation to them as to what is going on here etc, and who we are, and they are more than prepared to take my word that we are a responsible bunch of people (which we are...) and willing to give a group camping thing a go.... Now I think this would be a great opportunity to bring the clubs together, as I've been to FCS with both forums, and both know how to have a good evening, and just seems silly having to make the "choice" for members across both forums, when we would all get on well together anyway.... Now it would seem that neither forum has as of yet, come to a final decision on a camping venue, but they share my / our (I think) view that we would prefer to camp off site, to avoid the noise / possible trouble of other clubs, and I think in general keeping it more low key and just the 306 guys at the camping is better anyway..... So the first step is to sort out where we want to camp, and they will do the same, and I will then refer etc and come to a final decision... So really need views on this, and if people are keen, or if people are not, but I for one certainly am, and think it would only increase the win factor of an already win evening/s camping.... Ive already said to them, that I for sure, and quite liklely Mark (?, need to speak to him) would be more than happy to organize some bbq refreshments again, and im happy to extend the orders across both boards.... Thoughts? Discuss? And can we get all suggestions for off site camping in please in a list form so we can get a poll up and decide on something....if your bord please try to take the time to have a look around online at possible places etc! | Dyno Power Runs & Steady State Facilities Available, Just Ask Anytime |
| #DervMafia | ![]()
14-01-2012, 12:54 AM
Scott has mentioned food to me and I'm happy to do as we did last year, your more than welcome to advertise mine over there or what ever if we camp together, as long as I know what i need to bring with enough time to sort it out then its not a problem
![]() Personally I would be quite happy to go along with whatever but what your saying makes sense to me.
14-01-2012, 01:23 AM
Sounds like a good idea, as I know a few of us are members on both! And it's always good to build bridges with other clubs!
14-01-2012, 02:14 AM
Sounds like an awesome idea... now if only .net can get their heads out of their asses...
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam ![]()
14-01-2012, 08:59 AM
I'm the same as Darren, been chatting to one of the mods over on club-306 and I said about joint club camping ad he was like if they won't cause trouble he doesn't see a problem. I explained how good this club was and the type of members it has and I think they are willing I join up if you are...
14-01-2012, 09:04 AM
Group camping could be a good idea. Not a fan of the club 306 forum but I'm sure all the people there are just the same as us! Also means more chance of a discount on camping, more banter etc etc
Team Eaton
1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
14-01-2012, 09:33 AM
If its us and .com there deffo no chance of .net, as its that forum that caused trouble, and given most of us come from there, there isnt really much need as you could just go with them if you wanted to....
| Dyno Power Runs & Steady State Facilities Available, Just Ask Anytime |
| #DervMafia | ![]()
14-01-2012, 09:34 AM
padge Wrote:I'm up for group camping, get pugnet on aswell TBH. Might not be the best of ideas tbh. I know there's no "beef" between us a d them now but once people have a few drinks, banter might start getting a bit worse and I think there are a select few that might start to turn things a bit nasty.
Team Eaton
1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
14-01-2012, 09:54 AM
I think we should keep it between club 306 and 306oc personally! May work well for advertising both clubs! And we ar eboth sharing the same parade lap...
14-01-2012, 09:59 AM
Tbh.. the issue club-306 had with net. The people that caused it are long gone and the other members that were there well 99% of them are gone anyways.
And the fact that the technically all members here are from net i still posts on all the forums i dont see what the problem is apart from the "name" All we are is a group of people camping and share the same interest in the same vechicle..
14-01-2012, 10:02 AM
I think we should all stay together too... Ive heard the stories, I sorta know what happened. I say let it be, move on... Springs try and talk the "powers that be" round to it
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam ![]()
14-01-2012, 10:05 AM
Ye i agree with you guys, but I know the club-306 faithfull wont go if .net are going on the same site.
14-01-2012, 12:33 PM
I know where that place is! Didn't even realize they did camping! Looks good to me depending on where they make everyone else camp 'cause it's pretty close to Donnington. Close to local shops etc, Melbourne, Ashby etc etc and some good roads for a bit of fun in the morning
14-01-2012, 01:42 PM
Carlos182 Wrote:I know where that place is! Didn't even realize they did camping! Looks good to me depending on where they make everyone else camp 'cause it's pretty close to Donnington. Close to local shops etc, Melbourne, Ashby etc etc and some good roads for a bit of fun in the morningso does it get the thumbs up then from everyone? 306oc or 306oc and .com. i dont really know what cracked off between the clubs so carnt have a say really. i personaly think it will be good for both clubs to camp together. how many would we be looking at to camp if both clubs team up? maybe we can hire the whole feild.
14-01-2012, 05:58 PM
padge Wrote:i'll camp with whoever has the most diesels lol.white or cherry ![]()
14-01-2012, 06:00 PM
I'd try and avoid including .net, as people have said, although were all fwends again, things could get interesting if anyone decided to fall out, and we don't want the weekend spoilt.
As for club-306, I don't know, so I won't make a judgement, but from what people are saying, I can't see any issues Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.
14-01-2012, 06:08 PM
There is no real issue between here and .net.. nothing thats going to cause issues with..
I don't think and of the admin team on .net know what the real issue club-306 have with the forum.. |
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