G.I smooth bonnet and grill what's it worth?

Poll: To smooth or not to smooth, that is the question!
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G.I smooth bonnet and grill what's it worth?
I can't decide if I want to put my smooth front end on or not so gonna see what people think they are worth and decide from there.

The bonnet is welded and filled properly and the grill is cut and fibre glassed properly, what are they worth people?

[Image: 1EBB89D1-6ACB-4E8A-B095-5684783B97E9-217...4C4B99.jpg]
Sorry that's the only pic of the bonnet I have but it's finished now

[Image: F4A65475-C580-46B5-8ADA-997F35B1F58D-135...FE48F5.jpg]
And that's the grill
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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sell me the smooth!
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[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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Smooth ftw! Just got my bonnet finished and on the car last night, much better!
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

HDi Cabby Project Click
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I always liked the smoothed front, I dunno I can't make my mind up!
How much it cost you for the bonnet to be sprayed?
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How much you after mate? Rough price just to see weather it's worth me buying or just welding up the bonnet I already have
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Team Doesn't own a 306
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If you can do it mate I'd do it yourself, not sure what I'm doin yet!
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No worries mate just thought it would save me doing it myself! Hahah if you do sell them drop me a pm
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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Yeah no worries mate, like I said I'm not 100% yet so see what happens!
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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(09-11-2012, 09:24 PM)Oil-burner Wrote: I always liked the smoothed front, I dunno I can't make my mind up!
How much it cost you for the bonnet to be sprayed?
My brother in law did it with hos kit just cost me 30 quid ish for the paint, primer, filler, etc.
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

HDi Cabby Project Click
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That's the only problem I'm facing tbh! Gonna get some quotes!
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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Keep it dude. Ill have my smooth shit sorted soon. And they've cost me.... Nothing Big Grin.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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I know dude, I just can't get a decent quote for paint!
Everyone I ask wants £150 for it and I don't know if its worth it! Sad
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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(10-11-2012, 07:42 PM)Oil-burner Wrote: I know dude, I just can't get a decent quote for paint!
Everyone I ask wants £150 for it and I don't know if its worth it! Sad

is that top and underside. I was quoted about £120 for just the top. Might look into wrapping it matt black. It would be a very cheap and easy way to get smooth stuff on!
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Yeah that's a 100% job!
Hmmm I'd be tempted with that but don't think a moonstone would suit a black bonnet!
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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Mine cost me over 300. And now the paints starting to crack. Not happy.
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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Moonstone and black bonnet is win.

Brb I'll look for my old xsi

[Image: 4977d656.jpg]
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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I've just been reading the project thread for this! Lol
Still unsure, gonna see how bad it looks when I've blown a rattler into it!

Other than that it's a bonnet bra, but as it happens I'm not a homosexual so that rules that out! Lol
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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Just rattle an it Matt black, and chuck it on! It does look win!
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Hmm see how it goes with the rattler, if not I'll wrap it cos I can get vinyl from my mate!
Just don't wanna stand out too much if you know what I mean.
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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wrap it in chrome vinyl, nice and subtle Big Grin
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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(10-11-2012, 09:32 PM)kingy Wrote: Mine cost me over 300. And now the paints starting to crack. Not happy.

He rises Big Grin.
Dude don't use bonnet bra it hold water and fucks your paint up.
Try blasting it with rattle cans if not get it done. You only need top doing to be fair as its moonstone anyway.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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I may have found a temporary solution!!
We have a new "the range" shop in chesterfield and the mrs wanted to look round so we did, obviously I had a wonder round the car aisle and found HOLTS spray paint, 300ml for 3.99!
Thought f*ck it, may aswell give it a bash for £4!

The colour match is better than any I've tried
Halfords mix match
And hycoat!

Don't get me wrong it's not 100% but it was never going to be!
Laid 3 coats of paint on it and left it till tomorrow!
I'll pick up some matching lacquer in the morning and hopefully she'll be smooth by Tuesday!!

Anyone want a standard moonstone bonnet, grill and graphite badge?
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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Iirc holts is what I used for my centre console that car has.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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It's not far off at all, won't look perfect but it'll do for the time being!
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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Quick pic of the colour match, just waiting for another coat of lacquer then buff until my arms hurt!

[Image: 92225BDB-0C03-4992-B38E-5CA6D976D44D-125...EAC4BB.jpg]

It'll do over winter and ill save to get it blown into my wings.
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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I picked my smooth bonnet and grill up on eBay after weeks of searching. Cost me 70 quid to get it sprayed! Was well happy. So 130 quid for grill and bonnet perfect condition and sprayed Smile
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Bloody el, where?

The thing that pisses me off the most is that I'm more than capable and qualified to do it myself, I've done bodywork for like 6 years but I've got anywhere to do it!

Then you get some spotty little kid whos been doing it 6months saying they want £160 to spray a bonnet!
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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My girlfriends next door neighbour did the spraying as a favour. The prices people want for spraying are ridiculous
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