Gti 6 problem :( juddering

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Gti 6 problem :( juddering
hey all,

i bought a gti 6 recently, all was well on the test drive and the 3 hour motorway trip home, but tonight she started to judder a bit.

starts fine, cold or hot. first turn of the key.

i was at 70mph, 6th gear when it started to judder slightly. noticeable, but not all that bad.

then when i was going through the drive through, the idle started fluctuating. you could barely see the rev gauge moving, but could hear the change in the exhaust.

i just assumed it was the fans cutting in so thought nothing of it. then after a couple of miles on the dual carriageway taking it easy, i stopped at a set of traffic lights and it was doing it again but no fans cutting in.

any ideas?

edit: there doesnt seem to be any hesitation when i floor it. the revs just keep rising no misfire no judder no nothing, just when travelling at a constant speed and at idle
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Idle is most likly a nackered or dirty ICV quite a common problem on the xu`s as for the judder at speed sounds a little strange. Do you get any movment in the steering wheel like un balanced wheels? Or is it like the engine juddering in the engine bay feel? The top left engine mount is quite prone to wear, maybe worth checking

ICV = Idle Control Valve , just incase lol

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Echo the above. Icv definatley sounds like the culprit. Also juddering could be a few things. Buckled wheels, dodgy suspension?
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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its the wrong kind of judder. i had the front wheels balanced anyway, but its not that kind of judder.

it feels engine related
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Could be the mounts then?
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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would it do that just remaining at a constant speed? you can feel it a fair bit tbh
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If the mounts are excessively worn then yes as it will be the engine shaking.

Pop the bonnet and see how much you can move the engine by hand, and see how much it moves on idle
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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I would say engine mounts then. Try a new set. Fairly easy job and not very expensive. If that dosnt solve it and it starts getting worse fairly quickly id suggest checking drive shafts as i had this issue last year

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Does it judder at the same speed or the same revs?
[Image: sigjpg.jpg]
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just constant speed. cambelt is being done very soon anyway so may as well change the top mount while im at it because its no extra labour. yeah it does move a fair bit tbh.

thanks for your help Smile

just need to find out why its doing this at idle. il start from the beginning with new spark plugs was intending to give it a full service anyway

i took the icv off, cleaned it and put it back on, made no difference at all

edit: think ive found the problem. im going to try a new set of plugs just to make sure theyre the right ones.

what would cause this?

the plugs i pulled out have a small chip missing out of the middle
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Could be the top engine mount cradle has gone as it seems to be quite common on the 6
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What did you use to clean the ICV? Also it might jjust e out right nackered in which case no amount of cleaning will help.

Also if you are going to change the plugs i would recomend bosch super 4's used these in all my gti6`s and they are feckin good

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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I would also take a good look at the coil packs; might be one of those starting to go...
'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
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(10-07-2012, 12:52 PM)puglove Wrote: What did you use to clean the ICV? Also it might jjust e out right nackered in which case no amount of cleaning will help.

Also if you are going to change the plugs i would recomend bosch super 4's used these in all my gti6`s and they are feckin good

Not so sure about super 4s. I've heard of people having issues with coil packs after using them. I swapped my super 4s for just standard ngk and it ran miles better.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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I swaapped my ngks for super 4's and it ran much better lol. i done 5k+ with them in my old 6 with no problem xsi has done 5k+ with them no problem, iv put them in my new 6 with a noticable difference and no problems but iv only done about 500 miles in that.

It was prob a case of the coil packs were shagged they fitted some super 4's then the coil pack decided to give up so people blame it on the plugs when really it was nothing to do with the plugs then all the hear say runs through the forums so i wouldnt believe that without hard evedence as iv ran them in 3 cars with a noticable improvment each time

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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i just went or the ngk's at the motor factor. runs alot smoother now. changed the air filter and that made a difference. definitely picks up alot better now.

engine mount, alternator cambelt waterpump and tensioners, im waiting for someone to get back to me hes going to do it on mates rates and hes a shit hot mechanic.

i used brake cleaner to clean the icv
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So is the issue solved now?

Hope so buddy! Smile
'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
Astor 'X' 4 GTi6-6 - SOLD! Sad
'08 LY Renault Megane RS 230 F1 Team R26 - GONE
'56 BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0si Sport - SCHWIIIING!
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The top engine mount is being changed along with the cambelt because its seen better days if im honest. Certainly seems a hell of a lot more responsive and willing to rev. Theres still a small amount of judder at idle but alot smaller than before, so im hoping it is the engine mount causing it. If it isnt il look at coil packs another time. Thank you all for your help Smile im a total noob when it comes to petrols as ive mostly had diesels up til now. Still getting used to having an engine that gets hot enough for the fans to come on
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