SRowells diesel related questions!

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SRowells diesel related questions!
Same old question! Seeing as im getting the hdi back this weekend im thinking i need to join the world of moving needles!

Boost Gauges

Ive been looking at the prosport ones on ebay but they use some kind of electronic interface instead of just a piece of hose. Has anyone got any suggestions?

Also seeing as im such a diesel n00b a link to some boost hose (if needed) and self tappers for the manifold would be great!

Probably got about £30-40.
Rather clear and not smoked
and white illumination if possible

Loads of them seem to have really big plastic silver surrounds which im trying to avoid!

Also if i want to put in a volt gauge does that need to go direct to the battery or can i do it off any 12V supply such as the cigarette lighter? Was trying to get them all to match so if there was a series rather than just a single gauge that would be great! Big Grin


Also money dependant im looking at FMICs. Has anyone got a list of all the parts needed or the link to that ebay kit i cant find? I remember there were various sizes and the medium one was good! Pics of the route you took would be great. I want mine to be symetrical on each side of the cooler so does that mean the drivers side going back on itself? or can i squeeze it round the drivers side of the radiator?


Ive read quite a bit on this but what is the best way besides welding a blank on? Just disconnect it?


Pretty much understand whats going on here as im already on a stage 1 but is there any turbo twiddling or anything that happens along side a map or is just that? And whats the options for bigger turbos on a HDI?

Estate exhaust
I need one box to be MOT legal? So the middle box is the best to leave in as its the least restrictive? but does make it quieter! Decats are cheapest off ebay? And all the estates have a down turned exhaust as far as im aware. Do they share all the same sections as the hatch but just dont stick out because its too short? So i presume id have to extend the centre pipe and cut the bumper to make it stick out the bumper?

Massive n00bery and just wanted to get something clarified before i go jumping in!

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I can't really answer for boosts gauge as I don't like them and never fitted one lol.

Don't forget there's plenty of space for fmic on your car....the front.end is a good 2" from where it should be. lol but seriously, look through some other threads mate, Emma/danny have a pretty good fmic setup iirc.

EGR removal on these brings up a fault iirc so you need to kerp it plugged way is a bkanking plate though....fiddly job from the looks of it!

Stage 2 is where you want more boost (very little point fitting the intercooler otherwise) that's when you play with the turbo. Smile. This will be a learning curve for me too as I'm used to mapped boost rather than mechanical. Smile
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theres a shitload in the guide/hdi section dude
dum dum did a break down of the different tunes (stage1/2 etc)
theres a few threads about fmics
and egr's you can buy a blanking plate that just bolts on off of ebay

also gauges, just type guages into ebay, filter out anything less than 15-20 quid and away you go
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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you want something like this to connect the hose to the inlet elbow Sam

I found that tubing for an aquarium pump is perfect for the job, available at any good pet shop.

The silver rims you find on a lot of gauges are easily removed so you can repaint them then refit. I did the one on my old gauge in the same gold as my car to match my colour coded centre sections and I've just done the one for my new one in gloss black to break it up a little.

De EGR is a doddle, get a blanking plate, undo the two bolts that hold the EGR pipe to the inlet, fit the plate and bolt it back up. Disconnect the vacuum pipe and plug it but leave the loom plugged in to the solenoid so you don't get a silent fault code.

With a Stage 1 map there's no adjustment to the turbo, just get a decat and a straight through rear box/pipe and the de EGR first for the best results.
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There's a full guide on .net.... and here I believe

The parts you will definitely need are:

406 inlet adapter
C5 or 406 HDI Turbo pipe (I'd go c5)
A 41 to 45 mm 90 degree bend for the Turbo

The rest depends on your budget and how you fancy routing it

Id imagine you'll need to remove the air con to route anything down the drivers side of the rad.

You can ask for the egr to be disabled on your stage 2 map. I disconnected on a stage 1 and ran a egr blank from eBay. The car felt fine but it does record a silent
Fault in the ecu (you won't get an ecu light)

You may also need a clutch come stage 2.

Hope this helps

S2 HDi >click<
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Link to the blanking plate?
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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its this as far as im aware!
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That's the one Sam....

If you leave the loom connected to the EGR solenoid you won't get a silent fault logged on the ECU mate
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Yup that looks buy? Big Grin

Also, Sam.already has the 406 top pipe ready for fmic so that's a good start. Smile
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Something like that any good to you ?

Glowshift gauges are very cool!
Friend of mine has 3 of them in his scooby, when you switch them on they all spin round and back (im a bit of a chav sometimes) when you turn your headlights on they change to night time colours i think you can set them yourself :p
And you can also press the button when you've stopped and it shows you the highest that gauge went over the last drive. Very coool stuff i think Smile

Get these?
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Cough.... wrong section... cough :-P
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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ive just noticed that the prosport and glowshift ones are exactly the same face except for the logo so i presume they are the same behind the scenes too!

so im planning on getting the pro sport one as its properly white Wink and it has quick delivery.

or this one which is half the price but still white and a bit of red?
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This is what you want...

Who needs vac?! Pah!
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Srowell wut r u doing

This is diesel go home u r drunk
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Go for an oem intercooler, will save you some money and will be just as effective depending on what you get. Got my one recently for £20 and it's pretty darn big and very stealth no cutting needed
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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(10-11-2012, 10:35 AM)declantg Wrote: Srowell wut r u doing

This is diesel go home u r drunk

cheers dec. love you too!
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(09-11-2012, 07:34 PM)Carlos182 Wrote: This is what you want...

Who needs vac?! Pah!

this looks win ! :-)
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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That is pretty cool lol, damn expensive though!
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3 weeks delivery from the US D:

Think ill get the original pro sport one i posted as itll turn up before next weekend so i can fit it as im back from uni that weekend!
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Isspro FTMFW... Looks OEM, same colour as the stock gauges.
(16-05-2016, 10:45 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Oh I don't care about the stripped threads lol, that's easily solved by hammering the bolt in. Wink
Nanstone GTD5 GT17S - XUD9TE
Volvo V50 D5 R-Design SE Sport - Daily cruise wagon.
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none on ebay and can only find one on a dodgey looking site called egauges D:
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