01-01-2012, 09:29 PM
Grant Wrote:LMAO this has gotten a tad more confusing that at first.
Dum-Dum, that jack you have looks good.
Seen this one on the bay, and although the branding is unclear, and the LEDs are a complete gimmick, it doesnt look too bad. It has all the relevant BS certifications if you look at the pictures below, and above all it looks quite sexual...
Theyer alright those racing jacks and they definately look better. Theyer all much of a muchness between brands and youll definitely notice it being a third of the weight.
- Ive heard rumors of them felling pretty flimsy when they have alot of weight on them (side to side motion mainly) whereas my heavyweight steel one is happy with a car being battered with hammers while its up. You can see on the steel ones where they have right angled flanges on most of the flat bits to add rigidity but the ali jack dosent have this.
- The maximum lift height is a full 3 inches lower (this is probably the difference between the first peg on your axle stands and the last).
- The massive roller in the middle may prove to be a PITA, im forever having to pick stones out of the way of my jack so itll roll (being so low) and with a wider roller youll have to do this more.
- Those LED lights are definitely a gimick. If you were gonna work under your car in the dark youd need a torch anyway and i dare say youd have something much better than 6 shit LEDS.
The above is all IMO