Home brew

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Home brew
Remember reading people making homebrew

Any recipes as got two spare demi johns
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Speak to Jonny, Liam or Cully!
On the 306 waiting list.
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(26-05-2013, 03:22 PM)Jake Wrote: Speak to Jonny, Liam or Cully!

Read about a red bull one lol
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4.5 ltrs tesco basic apple juice
500g sugar
1/2 - 1 teaspoon bread yeast

add all together in demi jon
keep warm might bubble over the top so beware of mess
rack off when bubbles stop filter through cleen j cloth (about a week or 2 now its warmer)
week later
rack off again bottle
drink if you want still cider

or if you want fizzy cider
ad a teaspoon of sugar to each 500ml bottle and cork or crown

wait two weeks try one Wink

this brew will improve with age for still cider
or it will get fizzy er if left longer bewarned bottles may explode of contents may leap out of bottle once opened

500g of sugar will give you about 10-12% cider
250g of sugar will give you about 7-9%
no added sugar will be about 4-7%
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Sheets buddy just my luck missed tesco to get apple juice lol
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Search for the thread mate, there's loads of info on there. You wanting to make homemade hooch or proper home brewed beer? Wilkinsons and Tescos have loads of cheap home brew equipment at the moment Wink
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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(27-05-2013, 07:47 AM)THE_Liam Wrote: Search for the thread mate, there's loads of info on there. You wanting to make homemade hooch or proper home brewed beer? Wilkinsons and Tescos have loads of cheap home brew equipment at the moment Wink

Brewed my first yesterday so thought two demi Johns let's have fun lol
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Been busy

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Oh so its that easy to make afterall?
Official Team Go-NAD fan club
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Depends what you want. If you want something that'll taste ok, be cheap to make and get you wrecked, try this:

4.5L apple juice
1 sachet wine yeast
Half a cup of really strongly brewed tea
1 tsp cinnamon
Juice of half a lemon

Drop all that in a demi with an airlock, pour the yeast in on top and leave it somewhere at around 20 degrees until it stops bubbling (about 10 days usually), then transfer it to a couple of 2 litre fizzy pop bottles (syphon from near the bottom so you don't get the yeast crust from the bottom mixed into the liquid) with a teaspoon of sugar and leave that for about 14 days. Makes a nice, smooth, dry cider, longer you leave it the better it is Wink
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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and what if i dont want cider?
Official Team Go-NAD fan club
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use something else instead of the apple juice
Tescos is your larder
i find some of the polish syrups are nice too
add a bottle to the demi jon top up with water n 500g sugar yeast makes a nice sparkalying raspery at about 16% rockerfuel
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I've got a strawberry polish thing on an it is fizzing like mad.

Cider one has so much foam nearly coming out of air lock bung lol
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isnt that a sign to scrape the top off tyron?
Official Team Go-NAD fan club
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Yeah gonna give it a scrape lol
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Don't scrape it! Leave the demi in a bucket and let it do its thing Wink

And Ash, if you want beer get a home brew kit from Wilkinsons for a tenner, it'll make 40 pints. You can spend more on a kit and the end product is far better, but start off with a cheapie kit because if you f*ck it up which is easy to do, it's no tragedy.
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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its only bubbling the yeast out you put to much in Wink

wait a couple of days it will stop spewing then top the airlock up
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Trip to wilkos this week I think Smile I want some beer Smile the cider can you use pear juice instead of apple?
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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Use what you like mate.

As long as youve got some sort of liquid with sugar in, some yeast and possibly a little acid your gonna make alcohol, the drinkability of it may vary but just don't use too much yeast and youll be reet
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I think someone currently brewingg should make a quick vid of them mixing a batch just for us simple people Angel
Official Team Go-NAD fan club
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(27-05-2013, 09:50 PM)the milkman Wrote: I think someone currently brewingg should make a quick vid of them mixing a batch just for us simple people Angel
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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Ill whip up a batch if you want ash, some sort of cloudy lemonade type alcohol i reckon would be epic.
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Are you making beer? The instructions are on the tin, and it's not that difficult, just make sure you get a good sterilising solution and sterilise EVERYTHING that will touch the beer, get loads of air into the wort while your mixing it, then make sure you keep the temperature steady, too warm and it tastes sour, too cold and it won't ferment. Anything 18-26 centigrade should be ok, but I find 24 works well, I mix the wort with 4 pints of boiling water and then top it up with cold, that tends to sit around 22-24 depending on ambient temps. If I make a brew I'll do a video but my spare room is full of an entire bathroom suite and loads of building materials so no room to brew Sad
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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(27-05-2013, 09:57 PM)THE_Liam Wrote: Are you making beer? The instructions are on the tin, and it's not that difficult, just make sure you get a good sterilising solution and sterilise EVERYTHING that will touch the beer, get loads of air into the wort while your mixing it, then make sure you keep the temperature steady, too warm and it tastes sour, too cold and it won't ferment. Anything 18-26 centigrade should be ok, but I find 24 works well, I mix the wort with 4 pints of boiling water and then top it up with cold, that tends to sit around 22-24 depending on ambient temps. If I make a brew I'll do a video but my spare room is full of an entire bathroom suite and loads of building materials so no room to brew Sad

I don't think any where in my house is that trempreture. Would I be better off keeping a heat mat underneath with a thermostat connnected to it?
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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I've got an aquarium heater that I leave dipped into the beer to keep it above 22, but once it gets warm keeping the temp down is the biggest problem, because fermentation produces heat...
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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Good idea. With a thermo stay on a mat I suppose I can drop the temp down to 18 so it will have a few degrees to work is magic
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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Yea but liam its easy saying follow instructions but if you forgot this is oc and we struggle with thesimplest of things! And yea if you could chris just to show the steps taken Smile
Official Team Go-NAD fan club
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Thinking about it I've got step by step cider photos on the computer, I'll upload a guide after work.
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