17-01-2012, 09:58 PM
Hi guys one of your members thought it would be a good idea if i offered my services on your forum , i`m a bit of a pug nut having had the 306 , 406 , 307 and 407 , i also have been doing diagnostics on them for about 4 years , although my main interest at the minute is supplying key codes for Peugeot and Citroens , so if it`s alright with you guys i`ll offer all the codes available for you car which is normally the Transponder Code , Mechanical Key Code and Radio Code for £5 paypal in total , this is my site if you want to check it out <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.peugeotcodes.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.peugeotcodes.com</a><!-- w --> , thanks for reading guys ,KC.