Body work

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Body work
Few questions
1) are there any standard looking side skirts to fit my estate
2) what's the best way to get marks outta the paint looks like real bad fading or someone's cleaned it with a scouring pad
3) bumper reattachment on the estate at rear is pulled away from the arch is there a way to cure this
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#1 yeah 5door ph3 skirts
#2 by the sounds of it it's pretty bad so probably mopping but a decent compound should help!
#3 best to take it off and refit it, there might be a nut missing or something!
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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Ill take some pictures see if I can capture some of the bad bits to show u
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[Image: 1C494D64-44BA-4425-BB8F-F8A8CAFDA5FF-440...3D0510.jpg]
[Image: B7DE2271-3CC7-4F1A-8395-ABE511299E5A-440...B236A6.jpg]
[Image: 85E81EDF-7225-4E1F-B52E-D5E1BED76B21-440...A5802C.jpg]
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Cable tie that bumper bit to the panel job done
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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The deep scratches won't buff out obviously but it will make it 100% better
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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The one on the rear quarter is the deepest the rest are just like scuffing don't know if its just random paint fade or its been caught on something
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