A friend and their Troll

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A friend and their Troll
Facebook? Name and shame so we can all troll him haha
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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As requested,

[removed by Scott]

Hopefully this link works
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I see what you did there Wink
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So that account is going to be fake, having been created only on Thursday presumably just to annoy your friend. Just block him on Facebook, and get your friend's family members to increase their privacy and only accept messages from friends of friends.

With regards to 'hacking' his Facebook account, you'll need to know his email address. The actual 'hacking' part of it is either guessing the password for his FB, or guessing the password reset details for the email account and then forcing a password change. That probably won't get you anywhere though as the person is unlikely to have left any personal identifiable information.

PM me the email address and I'll see what I can find.

I've removed the Facebook link as I wouldn't want this club to be linked to what other people might send to this person Smile
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(29-09-2012, 01:48 PM)Scott Wrote: So that account is going to be fake, having been created only on Thursday presumably just to annoy your friend. Just block him on Facebook, and get your friend's family members to increase their privacy and only accept messages from friends of friends.

With regards to 'hacking' his Facebook account, you'll need to know his email address. The actual 'hacking' part of it is either guessing the password for his FB, or guessing the password reset details for the email account and then forcing a password change. That probably won't get you anywhere though as the person is unlikely to have left any personal identifiable information.

PM me the email address and I'll see what I can find.

I've removed the Facebook link as I wouldn't want this club to be linked to what other people might send to this person Smile

yeh presumably if your family are receiving these messages from someone who isnt a friend all they have to do is up the account privacy settings to what Scott has said above. That way you wont receive messages from random people. IIRC you can also set your account to be secret so you wont appear in searches etc. That should stop the guy finding you unless he has the URL and even in that case it probably wont even show the page!

Its a horrible thing and this is beyond trolling but yeh with the right privacy settings it should be easy to stop them! After all thats why they are there!
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(29-09-2012, 12:46 PM)Andy Wrote: I wanted to avoid plod because I would rather find him and rearrange his body parts. But if there really isn't any other way then o guess that's what I'll have to do.

Difficulty levels are not an issue for me getting things done, believe me... If I want something done I'll get it done.

He is using Facebook mainly, adding their family and friends and saying all this horrible horrible bull shit. This person hasn't upset anyone AFAIK.

Any decent ways of hacking his facebook?
I don't care if I get into trouble tbh guys and I know that sounds stupid but I have been in trouble enough times.

Cheers for replying aswell lads <3

Andy you're right, that does sound stupid. Sorry to sound harsh, but as much as you want to help your friend, the ways you're suggesting doing so are not clever. The last thing you or your friend need is you getting into trouble and letting the troll get away with what he's doing. It's pointless, a waste of your time and effort and won't get you anywhere. As the saying goes, don't poke the troll!

By all means try and find out what you can about this person, but you NEED to go to the Police. If there are actual threats, of physical violence or of this child porn, it needs to be reported. The Police will find out more than you can and they will deal with it the right way. If the troll can carry out the threat of putting porn anywhere, and it gets reported to the Police, your friend could be in serious trouble. By reporting it beforehand, you've covered his back and they can investigate to stop further abuse.

I know it's sickening and you can't help the anger, but trying to find him and take matters into your own hands will only cause bad results for you. The fact you've been in 'trouble' before won't exactly help you, and it's not worth screwing up your own life or your friend's for the sake of some pathetic loser.
[Image: kim.png]
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Yes, to be truthful, I completely agree with you Kim... I can be a very laid back person compared to what I used to be like.

Me being me wants blood, and I know this is the wrong way to go about it. But I'd happily get into trouble as long as I know the family are safe and in the clear but this is just me.

I'm not sure how serious the police will take this due to the fact I have seen about the porn thing but I have no evidence as it seems to have just disappeared :/

As much as I'd like to go the right way about it, I won't until I fail to sort the situation myself.
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What do you mean it's disappeared? Undecided Where did you see it first off?
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What's app... Half the chat has been deleted.
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So they have the phone number and Facebook... Has to be someone who knows them
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Number was on facebook mate. Stupid but they didn't realise.
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Sure half the convo has dissaperered? There is the option to email the convo to an email address so dingbat and back the fucker up so that you have hard evidence!
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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