306 2001 1.4 1360cc brakes are squeaking like crazy!

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306 2001 1.4 1360cc brakes are squeaking like crazy!
Hello Everyone!

My 2001 306 1.4 1360cc brakes are squeaking like crazy!

I have just bought this car in July, since I have bought it, the brakes have been squeaking from the front every time I apply the brakes.

The person that I bought the car off said that the brake pads and brakes discs had just been changed that why they are squeaking. No invoice has been provided so not sure if he was lying or not.

Several months down the line the brakes are still squeaking!

After visiting multiple garages and Kwik Fits, everyone has told me different things!

I been told that it could be:
1. The brake pads need to be replaced.
2. The brake discs need to be replaced.
3. The brake callipers needs to be replaced.
4. The brake fluid needs be replaced.
5. The brake lines needs be replaced.
6. The brake master cylinder needs be replaced.
7. The brake servo needs be replaced.
8. The brake pedal needs be replaced.

They think because I’m a 21 year old student, they can sucker me into paying a hefty repair bill.

I don’t know I’m kinda stuck on what I should do next.

Also just has the car MOT'd Yesterday and it passed without any advisories! The MOT station didn’t say anything to me.

Hope this information helps. I would be really appreciate any help!

Thank You

Happy New Year

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Could just need a front brake service.

Squeaking normally indicates a build up of brake dust on the pad edge.

But could also indicate worn pads/disc or cheap onea have been used.

Need to have some pics of the pads/discs to see really.

But it wouldnt be pedal/servo/fluid/lines or master cylinder.

If you dont feel you can do anything yourself...then go to a reputable garage...

Wishes for more power...
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Kwik fit and lots of other places will just rip you off.


the mot should have checked but check the amount left on the pads of discs. Pads should have material on them and the discs shouldnt have an excessive lip.

The brake lines should also have been checked in the MOT and they wont cause a noise anyway. The master cylinder, servo, fluid etc all wont cause noise. It may need replacing but ive rarely heard of people changing those parts.

Silly question but is it the pedal making the noise? I presume it genuinely is the brakes. Id think pads or discs tbh. When you put pads in you should apply copper grease to the back of the pads.

Get someone to stand outside the car whilst you brake and try and see which corner the problem is on.
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Hello Everyone!

Firstly thanks once again everyone for replying!

Piggy, I will take some pictures and post them shortly. I also think that this problem is to do with the pads / discs.

SRowell, The car passed MOT even with this problem. It’s not the pedal, noise is coming from outside. I also think that this problem is to do with the pads / discs. How do I check if copper grease has been applied or not?

Thank You Everyone for all your help.

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If you have alloys, get some pics thru the wheel of the pads, calipers and discs n post them up Smile
Wishes for more power...
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Got some copper grease from Euros today!
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Any ideas on how to get the pads out? im kinda new to this.
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(19-01-2014, 01:48 PM)shazilla Wrote: Any ideas on how to get the pads out? im kinda new to this.

there's somethin about the fact that you need to ask that question that i find very alarming!... maybe familiarise urself with how it works by taking the pads out of the car u are breaking... otherwise get sumbody else to do it for ya...
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Good Idea!
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Take your wheels of undo the two 13mm bolts at the back cable tie caliper to spring or move it out the way take pads out check them take the cap of the Brake fluid push piston back with g clamp wheal brace take of the rest of the caliper clean it with embryo tape then if your doing disks aswell there are two star drives clean new disk in brake cleaner put back together in reverse when you put copper slip on the pads only do the back and make sure none goes on disk hope this helps
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Still waiting for good weather!
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You guys were right, there was no copper grease on the back of any pads at all!! sqeeking has gone!! Thanks guys, i owe you one!!!
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Al materials have a resonating frequency of the atoms. When the frequency of the pads match that of the pistons and they are pushed together a noise is emitted (sqeal). Therefore putting something between the back of the pad and the piston stops them reacting with each other. Copper grease or better still shims (a thin piece of metal) are used. Shims are better because the grease wears off. Best thing is to change the pads for ones with shims attached.
That's the bull***t I've been told, but it does figure!
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Usually Copper Ease or if the pads and discs are abused early in their life they form a glaze, so you need to take it all off and give it a rub down with some course sandpaper.

Anyway, glad you got it sorted.
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Copper grease...pah...newbies....

Ceramic grease ftw
Wishes for more power...
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