Just a hello

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Just a hello
hi new to any sort of pug forum, allways been a fan of the 306, had plenty over the years 2ltr 16v xsi first then gti6, then 2 d turbos a meridian td estate and now a 2.0 hdi.. this is the only one i have ever modified though....so look forward to hearing an d shearing tips or advice from others in the know... cheers have a good christmas every oneSmile
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how do you add pictures to the forum or profile?
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Hello and welcome along.

I too have a serial pug ownership having owned 8 306s and a ZX

the best ways to upload images is either putting them on a free hosting site like photobucket and then posting the links here with the tags


if you go to the full editor mode (button below quick reply box) then scroll down there is an upload button for you to select pics then you need to use the attach inline button

Oh and PS it was me who merged your 2 topics just to keep the forum looking neat
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some pics of my car i hope comments or critisism welcome

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Looks really smart, paint looks amazing. Needs to come down a little at the front or up a little at the back to sit ritht though but loving the wheels, they look like a very good fittment
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yeah i have coilovers on it now so got the front down a bit more.. had tints done now too which pulls the colour of the paint together really well...
its on the bump stops at the rear so i will lift it up at some point , but i never get tired of watching people trying to run there fingers in the arches...
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now has coilovers and tinted windows....[attachment=0][attachment=2][attachment=4]

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I dont like the look of the alloys from the back but from the fron they lookfapping epic :-) looks good mate
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Looks good mate. Really nice paintwork Smile welcome along
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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yeah they look like they sit in to far, but trust me they are a fag paper away from the arch they are a bit different though....paint was flater than kiera knightleys chest when i got it but a few hours with a mop and a clay bar and shes good again.. does look better in pictures thoughSmile....... dont really know what to do nxt proberbly a bit more power.
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If you want more power from your HDi your among friends.

A front mounted intercooler set up and a remap could yield over 160bhp then youll have to find a clutch thatll handle it.
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looks good mate. Diablo is definitely the best colour
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well thats my new year resolution then more power for the 306... lol ........
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those wheels... :drool: looks bloomin lovely! welcome along!
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Wheels are definitely different to what anyone else has done, which is only a good thing Smile
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Looking good, welcome.
[Image: 20120110_141823-1-1-1.jpg]
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Mmmm.. Smoothed Diablo :handgestures-thumbup:

Welcome to the forum dude Big Grin
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cheers folks nice to hear some one appreciate my efforts.... my wife not so much :naughty: ............. lol :roll: :naughty:
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welcome car lookin sweet n lovin the drop Tongue
[Image: jhhjjhjhjh.jpg]
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[Image: kim.png]
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