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Il nino or whatever is a regularly occurring cycle..

yes i beleive wer have contributed to some form of warming effect but the fact is there is actually, pound for pound, more antarctic ice this year than ever, and also there is strong evidence that the suns activity is drawing us out of a mini ice age and about to start cooling again (the suns activity is waning as we speak so should be getting cooler or so.,)

the problem is we dont have any really solid evidence that links the rise in temperature to greenhouse gasses.. IE to be able to say "absolutely its only happening because of CO2 or Methane or whatever" because this is the only time in humans history that we have had these sort of amounts being released.. another fact to bear is that volcanoes and natural activity of the plates and mantle release more CO2 and other greenhouse gasses than all of hte cars on the planet combined.

i will hold my breath before passing judgement as there have been natural warming events, and cooling events in the past on a grander scale than we are seeing at the moment. oh and if it wasnt for the Gulf stream we would have weather akin to alaska

if you look into the history of some of the places that flood, as tragic as it is losing posessions and houses to the floods, you can see long documented evidence that they have been flooding for hundreds of years dating in some cases back to roman times. its a fact that if you build next to a large river it will flood at some point,

the damage caused this time and certianly for newly built properties is that no consideration was paid to the fact that they flooded and as such they have little to no defence vs floods as they are regular houses built in the regular way. Maybe we should look to holland and how they build houses (raised floors, tiled rather than carpeted downstairs rooms, water resistant paint and fittings and flood boards and things on main entrances/exits) and look to integrate some of those features in newbuilds today.

i have a friend who has instsalled some of these defences after being flooded back in 2012. he has completely tiled the downstairs, stairs are now stone up to the 6th or so step, there are no carpets you cant remove, the boiler has been placed upstairs and now has a generator and pumps on standby just in case gas and leccy meters are now waterproof and upstairs also he WAS flooded this year but instead of it being 24inches of water, he had about half an inch which the pumps he has were easily capable of dealing with quickly.

he had the warning from york about the flooding and everythign soft was upstairs, its taken him 48 hours to get the bottom cleaned and disinfected and is now waiting for the next storm.

unfortunately for the guy 3 doors down from him who took the environment agency's advice that the last flood was a "200 year event" and didnt do anything he lost most of his downstairs and faces a huge increase in premiums..
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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i wonder how things are now, after our bit storm, at least your pal toseland has the right idea, and id have done the same thing.
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Stupid thing is the insurance company still wanted a silly excess until he argued, then they waNted him to prove the ability of the house to withstand a flood..

His response was how, float the house on the river? I think they got the idea.
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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Yes Tose, there is more antarctic ice this year (not since ever though, since the satelitte records began in the 70s) but it only compensates for about a third of the loss of arctic ice .... so in net terms, ice is down
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(29-12-2015, 09:25 AM)Niall Wrote: Global warming is a myth in my opinion. Im not saying us polluting the planet hasn't had a knock on effect but no where near as bad as some make out. 

The funny thing is, the sort of people that make it out to be worse than it is are often very similar to the sort of people that throw around statements like 'global warming is a myth'! 

The surface temperature of the Earth has been increasing, that's not a myth. Whilst there are regular natural temperature fluctuations (Ice fairs on the Thames in Victorian times vs. vineyards in Medieval times) the overall trend is an increase. Some of this could probably be put down to the stuff that Toseland mentioned but it seems unlikely that it is just a coincidence that a human population increase from 1 billion to 9 billion over the last 150 years or so just so happens to coincide with an increase in temperature. Especially since the increase in temperature is much steeper than increases that have been identified in the previous few 100,000 years. 

(In fact, I looked it up and found an article where someone worked it out as a 1 in 1000 chance that the temperature change or 'global warming' is due to natural causes rather than human activity - not that I can check his Maths!). 

Granted, certain newspapers can describe global warming in such a way that it seems like a myth, but let's be honest, they could sensationalise a chocolate biscuit to the point when you don't believe in it.

Niall, you're lovely, but please don't say things like 'global warming is a myth' or at least, go away, do some reading from something vaguely reputable so you understand it and then, if you're going to say it, back it up with a valid argument.

Next thing you'll be telling me you don't believe in dinosaurs.

Anyway, this is not a thread about global warming, cooling or dimming so I'm going to step away from the soapbox.
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was anyone effected on here with the last storm we had last night and the night before?

Off topic, my granddad said the weather system is a like a circle, it will go wetter and warmer, and then it will start to revert back again.
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(31-12-2015, 11:32 PM)procta Wrote: was anyone effected on here with the last storm we had last night and the night before?

Off topic, my granddad said the weather system is a like a circle, it will go wetter and warmer, and then it will start to revert back again.

Abit of the motorway was closed yesterday because it was flooded and a few of the low down places here had some bits but nothing major.. Unless you're dum dum..
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