Any other reptile keepers

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Any other reptile keepers
So completely off cars but think it's good to see what other interests people have in common.......

I recently acquired two female leopard geckos, 3 yrs old. The came in a very basic 2' vivarium, which after doing some reading does isn't really a suitable habitat and was set up all wrong for their needs.

So I I set out to build a new twin layer vivarium in a book case that I had, bought all the bits required to make a nice home, barring getting the glass cut. Then in my local pets at home they were closing this weekend for a refit and clearing display stock, so ended up buying a 4' vivarium at half price......worked out nearly what would cost for the glass on previous project lol. Just ment now had to find space for it

Anyway, I set it all up Saturday, let the temperatures settle and moved the geckos in yesterday.....They seem happy in there new home and I'm well chuffed with how it turned out. Seeing them now in this large space, I'd never dream of keeping them in a small viv again. Anyway. ......

Day lights on timer for 14hrs
[Image: 0203f7858718fa4cfdd0a3c49f02800c.jpg]

Moonlight on timer for 10hrs
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That looks a very nice set up you have gave them.I have breed leopard geckos in the past they make great pets. I have at the moment two feamale bearded dragons 1 leatherback quite dark in colour 1 citrus very nice cream yellow colur (this one maybe gravid as she was in with a male before i got her) I also have one candy cane corn snake about 3 foot whoes very viv defensive (it was fed food in its vivarium so now associates hands as possible food lol) but as ive been feeding it in a seperate plastic tub its getting a lot less snappy now just jumpy etc. But yes reptiles make great pets i you have the funds for vets/food/heating and lighting bills.
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I've always been fascinated with reptiles, and when these came available and I read up that they are great starter reptiles I thought perfect opertunity
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Well jealous. I love reptiles (animals in general) but don't have the disposable income to keep and properly care for them Sad
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I've never owned any but big fan of them with a few mates who have a few beardy's, cressted's,spiders and snakes

Personally been shit scared of snakes for a very long time until quite recently when a mate of my tell me handle his boa.
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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