54 Plate Berlingo XUD Conversion.

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54 Plate Berlingo XUD Conversion.
I remember a bit back somebody bought a Berlingo and either wanted to, or did XUD it.
This van has the multiplex wiring and semi ECU pump.
Just bought a DW8 model and am already well aware it needs a turbo, even to make it more efficient let alone faster.

Who was it that tried/did it and what was the outcome?

Bought it with no MOT for a song so if the worst was to come I could possibly sell it for profit and buy a HDI, but I am very happy with the van I have as far as rust,handing and dents and such, it's quite clean, handles perfect and freshly MOTed with the tester telling me it was a bargain.

Any info appreciated.
And if anybody has an XUD they are willing to part with please P.M me.

Cheers, Danny. Smile
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Dw8 wont last long if you just strap a turbo to it. Not without some changing a few things.

If its a Dw8 model though, whats the wiring like? Can't imagine it be that difficult to wire in a xud?!
Wishes for more power...
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Of course I'm not trying to turbo a DW8 Piggy.
I am doing as the title says, XUD conversion. Smile
As you say the loom can't be too dissimilar although the newer DW8 is semi ECU controlled.
I'm sure this came up kinda recently with another user but can't find anything on search.
Maybe Jenks will have an idea as I seem to remember him having a bit of input on the thread I can't find.
Of course it will fit,and be able to run without too much fuss,it's the bits like speedo, warning gauges and rev counter I am after info on really.
Cheers. Danny.
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pretty much plug and play should be able to use the exsisting loom dw8 is basically an xud lump. only issue would be imobiliser key light and ecu light on.
Perv 106 1.4 xs First Pug Love - Scrapped
Perv 306 1.6 5 Door Hore - Sold
110bhp 207 Hdi Sport - Used as a Brake
173bhp T25 Ph1 Diablo Dturbo - Scrapped
Thirsty Bitch Volvo 850 Estate - Sold
51bhp Berlingo Nad DT Van - Sold
Slow as f*ck Dispatch Work Horse

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Been done in a 206 dw8 by Mrfish, cant be much different.
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Rtb the ecu.light and immobiliser job jobbed easy!!
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Nice one people.
Need to find me an engine now.
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Is the one your thinking of possibly the OC support truck that the staff had? Think that one got XUD'd
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