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Battery drain - Printable Version

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Battery drain - Ben - 15-01-2013

Think I may have something constantly draining my battery. Is there any way of finding out what? I've checked simple things like interior lights etc.

Battery drain - vlj - 15-01-2013

Check the earth points, accelerator pedal one gets knocked out etc can do this to you!

RE: Battery drain - Dan! - 15-01-2013

Just for reference, I put an ammeter on his battery yesterday with the ignition off and it was drawing 0.35A. Im not a whizz with electrics though so not sure if thats just like the headunit memory or something else more major...

RE: Battery drain - Niall - 15-01-2013

(15-01-2013, 06:14 PM)Dan! Wrote: Just for reference, I put an ammeter on his battery yesterday with the ignition off and it was drawing 0.35A. Im not a whizz with electrics though so not sure if thats just like the headunit memory or something else more major...

Rather high. Id be happy with .20 and lower.

Simplest thing to do, put your ammeter on and jsut disconnect things one at a time and see what gives you a drop.

Battery drain - Frosty - 15-01-2013

Boot light staying on?

RE: Battery drain - Ben - 15-01-2013

Cheers for the replies, ill check the accelerator pedal earth as that certainly could have been knocked out when I did the clutch cable.

Good idea Nial, do you just mean to pull the fuses out one at a time?

Checked the boot light, sadly it was off, no easy fix there!

RE: Battery drain - Niall - 15-01-2013

(15-01-2013, 06:56 PM)Ben Wrote: Cheers for the replies, ill check the accelerator pedal earth as that certainly could have been knocked out when I did the clutch cable.

Good idea Nial, do you just mean to pull the fuses out one at a time?

Checked the boot light, sadly it was off, no easy fix there!

Start with any extras you have installed because thats mostly what it is. Remove the fuse from your amp if you have one and test. then try the HU or any bluetooth kits then start checking things like lights etc.

RE: Battery drain - Ben - 15-01-2013

Oki doke, thanks for the advice, ill hopefully give that a go at the weekend.

RE: Battery drain - C2K - 15-01-2013

As above, ammeter on the terminals and remove the fuses one by one. An assistant helps!

RE: Battery drain - ozonehostile - 15-01-2013

the heater relay can stick on, that would be a big power drain. how quickly is your battery going flat?
do you have a sub/amp?

RE: Battery drain - HDIkyle - 15-01-2013

I had a drain on my amps once so fitted a breaker instead of a fuse under the passenger footwell to flick off when car was not been used for longer than 2 days as that's when it had starting issues

RE: Battery drain - Ben - 15-01-2013

Well it went flat after 8 hours but the strange thing is that morning it had started fine after sitting for 16 hours.

I'll check the heater relay at the weekend then, if thats possible to check?

Does anyone know how many miles the battery would take to fully charge from flat?

And yes I do have an amp so it could also be that..

RE: Battery drain - ozonehostile - 16-01-2013

id say you have a problem with your amp mate, if the heater plug relay was sticking on your battery would be flat in about an hour. unplug your amp and see if you still have battery issues Smile

RE: Battery drain - thomson - 03-04-2013

I have the same problem put a brand new battery in and it was fine for about a week now it's a bit slow to start in the mornings and I've only left it for 24 hours once an it almost didn't even turn over (still started must have decent compression :p) but I don't have a sub and amp but I have to manually turn off my CD player when I take my key out of the ignition but I've tried 3 different CD players and they all don't turn off automatically what could this be? wirin fault to the ignition barrel?

RE: Battery drain - C2K - 04-04-2013

Move the fuse down to the "with ignition" position instead of the permanently live position. The fuse for the radio has a common centre prong, so you need to move it.

Liable to be a light on or something though. My boot light was working back to front recently I found.

RE: Battery drain - Piggy - 04-04-2013

aftermarket alarm??

RE: Battery drain - devils_fuel - 08-04-2013

(16-01-2013, 03:09 AM)ozonehostile Wrote: if the heater plug relay was sticking on your battery would be flat in about an hour. unplug your amp and see if you still have battery issues Smile

my car clicks a few times after switch off (3 times within 30 mins) and has a slight spark/shock when leaving the car, would the heater relay cause this? where is the heater relay??

RE: Battery drain - Niall - 08-04-2013

That sounds to me like you have a slight short to earth somewhere. Good luck with that!

RE: Battery drain - devils_fuel - 10-04-2013

Thanks Niall Sad