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G'day from Australia - Printable Version

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G'day from Australia - shaun21gb - 13-01-2013

G'day all just wanted to say hi as I have just bought my 1st 306 s16(1995) are these cars fitted with odb diagnostic, if so where are they located.
Thanks shaun

G'day from Australia - Stephen - 13-01-2013

Where abouts in oz are you? I'm currently in Perth!

There won't be obd on that early a model I'm pretty sure, but if you have problems someone here will know the answer!

RE: G'day from Australia - kingy - 13-01-2013

g'day and welcome. bang another snag on the barbie.

RE: G'day from Australia - Niall - 13-01-2013

Hi Shaun!
No they are not OBD compliant. You can connect them to Peugeot Planet with the correct cables but you will get hardly any diagnostics at all.

RE: G'day from Australia - puglove - 13-01-2013

Welcome along mate Big Grin

G'day from Australia - Jonny b - 13-01-2013

There is a diagnostic on the s16, basically it's just an led that goes across two points, you count the flashes and read up on the code if there is one

Oh yeh welcome buddy lol

RE: G'day from Australia - Just Sean - 13-01-2013

My parents live in Geraldton. Welcome

RE: G'day from Australia - Eeyore - 13-01-2013

The only 306s that work properly with OBD are the HDIs. The others are fairly limited.

G'day from Australia - THE_Liam - 13-01-2013

Welcome mate, didn't know they did 306s down there. My uncle lives in Newcastle, he always winds me up about cheap fuel and V8 Holdens lol

RE: G'day from Australia - Kimmie - 14-01-2013

Welcome Smile