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Help: Cornwall members - Printable Version

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Help: Cornwall members - ginge191 - 12-01-2013

Got hold of an XUD lump; fairly cheap but need some help getting hold of it. If I'm to buy it, he needs it collected by next week.

He's located in Callington, Cornwall.

Ofcourse, I'll pay/sort out whatever's needed in return for helping out.

PM would be greatful.


Re: Help: Cornwall members - kernow_joe - 12-01-2013

Other end of Cornwall from me about 1 hour away, but what would you want doing with it picking up and what then?

RE: Help: Cornwall members - ginge191 - 12-01-2013

(12-01-2013, 02:11 PM)kernow_joe Wrote: Other end of Cornwall from me about 1 hour away, but what would you want doing with it picking up and what then?

I can come collect it; it's just that, i've spoke to him, he needs it shifted by next week, it's also up for sale on an auction site and don't fancy missing a bargain.

Can't guarantee i can pick this up by next week (as it's my birthday), that is all