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Celebration Day!? - Printable Version

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Celebration Day!? - Tom - 09-01-2013

No celebrations here, just wandering if theres any other Led Zeppelin fans on here and if they've seen celebration day Smile

RE: Celebration Day!? - gretsch-drummer - 09-01-2013

Went to the cinema to watch it. I had an urge to clap after every song as it felt you were right there in the crowd!

Celebration Day!? - THE_Liam - 09-01-2013

Their my favourite band by miles, I have every album they've recorded including a load of bootlegs and imports! Been meaning to see Celebration Day, is it good then? I heard it was just footage released on that DVD a few years back, so Earls Court '70, Long beach '73, MSG '75 and Knebworth '79...

RE: Celebration Day!? - Tom - 09-01-2013

Celebration Day is epic imo! Its a show they done a few years back, all of it was filmed then released last year 2012 on dvd and in cinemas, its not just "footage" its a whole live show recording thing Smile

Celebration Day!? - THE_Liam - 09-01-2013

Oh that reunion show at the O2? I tried to get tickets for that Sad

RE: Celebration Day!? - Tom - 10-01-2013

Thats the one! Tickets were very very hard to get hold of!

Celebration Day!? - THE_Liam - 11-01-2013

And £200 lol

RE: Celebration Day!? - Tom - 11-01-2013

Thats good considering its the last one :p they sold out stupidly fast O:

Celebration Day!? - THE_Liam - 11-01-2013

I know, 31 minutes to be precise...

RE: Celebration Day!? - Tom - 11-01-2013

f*ck! I thought it was a few hours haha