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Spider goats! - Printable Version

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Spider goats! - Eeyore - 17-01-2012

Here we go... goats that produce spider silk...


they look like this...

[Image: spidergoats.png]

but in my drunken state i imagine them to be like this....

[Image: spidergoats2.png]


Re: Spider goats! - Moonstone2.0 - 17-01-2012

You are drunk..is this meant to be spot the difference?

Re: Spider goats! - smanfa - 17-01-2012

They look the same? X

Re: Spider goats! - mark_airey - 17-01-2012

Open your eyes, all the goats have extra legs..................see it now, spider goats, get it? Tongue

Re: Spider goats! - smanfa - 17-01-2012

Ohhhh!!, thanks hahaha x

Re: Spider goats! - Moonstone2.0 - 17-01-2012

AAAAAAAAAahahhaha, i was looking at that for ages and didnt get it! LOL

Spider goats! - Matt - 17-01-2012

When I first woke up, half asleep, looked at this, even I saw the extra legs haha

Re: Spider goats! - smanfa - 17-01-2012

I was looking at it for ages too! I even looked at the legs and swore they were the same lol x

Re: Spider goats! - mark_airey - 17-01-2012

smanfa Wrote:I was looking at it for ages too! I even looked at the legs and swore they were the same lol x

Can I suggest specsavers? lol

Re: Spider goats! - Ian - 17-01-2012

Have you had some kind of breakdown Sam?

And a goat with 8 legs would be blooming scary. Imagine the speed it could knock over little children in a petting zoo

Re: Spider goats! - smanfa - 17-01-2012

No glasses and no breakdown, me just showing my thick side again lol x

Re: Spider goats! - mark_airey - 17-01-2012

smanfa Wrote:No glasses and no breakdown, me just showing my thick side again lol x

No glasses you say, I think that may be where your going wrong Tongue

Re: Spider goats! - smanfa - 17-01-2012

o_O it was just one of them things okaii! Lol x

Re: Spider goats! - Eeyore - 17-01-2012

one of my girl mates moved into her new uni house and could get the hob to light with her matches... it was an electric hob...

Re: Spider goats! - Ian - 17-01-2012

SRowell Wrote:one of my girl mates moved into her new uni house and could get the hob to light with her matches... it was an electric hob...

Eh? Are you still drunk?

Re: Spider goats! - 4WayDiablo - 17-01-2012

Must be^^ lol

Re: Spider goats! - Toms306 - 17-01-2012

Shit......I looked at this several times this morning and didnt see the extra legs until they were pointed out! Confusedhock:

Re: Spider goats! - 4WayDiablo - 17-01-2012

Wow how can so many people miss the extra legs? You all turning into sam? Yes i has to double take but still took me no more than a second to see the difference and have a lol

Re: Spider goats! - Toms306 - 17-01-2012

4WayDiablo Wrote:Wow how can so many people miss the extra legs? You all turning into sam? Yes i has to double take but still took me no more than a second to see the difference and have a lol

I'm just not very observant with that kind of thing lol......now if there was a 306 hidden in there i would've seen it!! Tongue

Alwas getting moaned at for pointing out 306s on tv lol......

Re: Spider goats! - 4WayDiablo - 17-01-2012

Toms306 Wrote:Alwas getting moaned at for pointing out 306s on tv lol......
I always do that lmao it must be done

Re: Spider goats! - smanfa - 17-01-2012

Ha see! Im not the only one!! Lol x