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LG E400 mobile phone - Printable Version

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LG E400 mobile phone - ash240970 - 12-12-2012

Hi teccys, my dad is after a new phone and this is on offer at the moment but being as I'm an ifail fan I was just wondering if any of you android guys had anything decent to say about it.
He doesn't want to spend a lot as its mainly for calls and he's on pay as you go but likes the touchscreen phones so thought this might be ideal.

RE: LG E400 mobile phone - InkedMuttley - 13-12-2012

If I was you dude going on the price of that I'd get him a Samsung Galaxy Ace. It's what I've got at the minute and I've had no problems with it easy to set up, easy to figure out and it's on decent software AFAIK and someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think LG's run on the old Symbian technology that was found in the first Nokia smartphones (N series phones)

LG E400 mobile phone - ash240970 - 13-12-2012

The LG is on Gingerbread bud but I ain't got a scooby as I'm not into all that stuff.

RE: LG E400 mobile phone - declantg - 13-12-2012

I'm selling a one x

LG E400 mobile phone - ash240970 - 13-12-2012

He wants new as its for crimbo and I think the one x is way too advanced for what he needs - my dad is 70 lol

RE: LG E400 mobile phone - Kezzieboy - 13-12-2012

What's the budget? Missus just bought an Orange San Diego, which is an awesome little phone, and only set her back £130, with a '£90' set of headphones.

LG E400 mobile phone - ash240970 - 13-12-2012

Sub £50 they're on O2 PAYG and have no desire to switch. I will be buying 1 for me Dad an 1 for my Mum who's 68 Smile oh and I've got to teach em how to use the feckin things too lol