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306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Printable Version

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306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Chris_90 - 11-12-2012

Spotted this dose look really good nick but maybe a bit over priced


RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - ginge191 - 11-12-2012

BIT over priced? Doh

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Ben - 11-12-2012

Looks quite nice from some angles but its really nothing special. 150+ bhp sounds very optomistic as well!

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - CJ_Derv - 11-12-2012

Mods...... Non turbo cam WTF?

im going to reposition my fuel grenade and see how many more BHP i get too,

Struggling to see how it makes 150bhp+ with a lucas???

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - puglove - 11-12-2012

150+ with a lucus and 19psi hhhmmm me thinks not

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Piggy - 11-12-2012

thats SO over priced!!! dump valve...like a big sign saying "i know naff all about dturbos...avoid this car"

I have emailed and asked about the 150bhp and non turbo cam

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Frosty - 11-12-2012

i agree defo over priced!

piggy let us know what they say back to you!

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - bigcheez2k3 - 11-12-2012

Max fuel apparently but only 19psi, probably smokes like hell.

If I'm reading it right, one side has been repainted with metal flake, so it'd need a respray as doesn't match.

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Dicky - 11-12-2012

Jesus christ, glad I was sat down or I would have fell down!

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Chris_90 - 11-12-2012

LOL thought it would start a good banter off, I no it over priced alot but was treading caerfully just in case it was some ones on here lol

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Midnightclub - 11-12-2012

Anyone notice the sellers name? 'Pinkslipsrmine' lmao

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - zx_volcane - 11-12-2012

There was some talk somewhere a while back about non turbo cams being beneficial for running high power - can't remember where I saw it, but there was nothing to back it up from what I remember, just some talk, rumours, urban legends

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Piggy - 11-12-2012

i thought cams were same?

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Daniel306 - 11-12-2012

I have used a complete NA head on a Td and never noticed anything

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Piggy - 11-12-2012


I asked...do you have proof of the 150bhp and whats this about a NA cam?


"Yeah got print out,Non turbo cams have higher lifters which makes them
stay open longer for max performance unlike the turbo cams.
If you think the non turbo 306 runs 68bhp and a turbo runs 90 stock
=22hp more not a great deal really these days i know but the non turbo cams
work better in a turbo charged car."

....ya ok. He obviously knows more than Pug

I will ask for pic of this print out...anything else I should ask apart from what planet he is from and which of my legs he is pulling??

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - bayley - 11-12-2012

mine is a lucas & k14 running 25psi and hardly any smoke but i would say its only around the 130 bhp max,love to know where he gets 150+ from.nice clean car thow.

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - Eeyore - 12-12-2012

lol at the exhaust coming through the bumper! D:

RE: 306 d turbo on ebay £2,000! - 306Dan - 13-12-2012

hmmm custom bumpers.....

if i take a hole saw to mine does that make mine custom?

and wtf is with non turbo cam shaft, its a td for gods sake kinda negates the need for high lift cams on a turbo block on low boost, although i dont know a great deal bout tuning dervs