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Clutch ticking - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Clutch ticking (/showthread.php?tid=8795)

Clutch ticking - Slam Wagon - 10-12-2012

Hey, not sure if its the rights section, ive got a 2002 hdi and whenever te clutch is engaged, so not in neutral or foot down, theres a constant ticking noise. Any help with what this could be? And how to resolve it?



RE: Clutch ticking - Piggy - 10-12-2012

likely to be clutch release bearing....may want to try and live with it till your clutch burns out!

RE: Clutch ticking - Slam Wagon - 12-12-2012

Alright cheers, was looking at getting an uprated new spring but looks like it might be sooner now.