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HDi K&N panel filter - Printable Version

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HDi K&N panel filter - Jonny81191 - 09-12-2012

I'm getting rid of this as I no longer have any use for it. It's in good condition, could do with a clean though.



RE: HDi K&N panel filter - Eeyore - 09-12-2012

how much do you want for it posted? And youll clean it up for me because *estate fwends* right? Big Grin

RE: HDi K&N panel filter - Jonny81191 - 09-12-2012

TBH I'm not sure what it's worth.. 25 posted if I clean it? or is that a bit steep Big Grin

RE: HDi K&N panel filter - Eeyore - 10-12-2012

steep mate. might be picking up one myself next weekend anyway.

RE: HDi K&N panel filter - Jonny81191 - 10-12-2012

Make me an offer then Big Grin