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Sticky clutch and Accelarator - Printable Version

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Sticky clutch and Accelarator - davalav - 29-11-2012

Morning chaps,

So on my home last night, the my clutch started to stick. So when I go to change gear, I put it in said gear, then lift and the clutch stays down, and doesn't come back up.

Similar with the accelerator cable too.... But this does come back up, but it feels really sticky and extremely.... spongey at times too.

New cables?

RE: Sticky clutch and Accelarator - HDIkyle - 29-11-2012

Sounds like cables yes. My HDI clutch cable sticks down sometimes just needs a flick with your foot from behind. Only now and again but getting more frequent causes the clutch to slip which is annoying as sometimes it sticks for abit then pops up causing the car to jerk

RE: Sticky clutch and Accelarator - samass - 29-11-2012

Yep, first port of call is the cables

RE: Sticky clutch and Accelarator - davalav - 29-11-2012

Cheers guys, I thought it would be. Still learning the ropes with these cars. Fix one issue, then a million more appear out of no where!

Re: RE: Sticky clutch and Accelarator - WiNgNuTz - 29-11-2012

(29-11-2012, 11:39 AM)davalav Wrote: Cheers guys, I thought it would be. Still learning the ropes with these cars. Fix one issue, then a million more appear out of no where!

Sounds like you know these cars very well actually! lmao

RE: Sticky clutch and Accelarator - HDIkyle - 29-11-2012

(29-11-2012, 11:39 AM)davalav Wrote: Cheers guys, I thought it would be. Still learning the ropes with these cars. Fix one issue, then a million more appear out of no where!
atleast you get to fix one first, that happens even before the first one has been fixed usually!

RE: Sticky clutch and Accelarator - davalav - 29-11-2012

I wish... I know basics. But I like to post just to see if any one else has had the same or similar issue! I hate being in doubt, leaving it and then it gets worse!

[/quote]atleast you get to fix one first, that happens even before the first one has been fixed usually![/quote]

Hahaha! A few weeks ago I had air in the fuel system, accidentially over tightened and snapped a bolt on top of the fuel filter housing! Got some uprated bolts, fixed that then chronic boost leaks! Turns out it was the D seal. Fixed that now the steering whines and the clutch and accelerator stick!!! Angry