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Odd noise... - Printable Version

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Odd noise... - Poodle - 25-11-2012

Got a strange problem that im struggling to trace - its a graunching/juddering noise coming from the osf hub area. It only happens in forward gears, the brakes arent binding, nothings rubbing and I cant feel any play in the wheel bearing. That hub was exposed to the weather for a couple of months, albeit behind a disc.

Any ideas or experience? Could it be a driveshaft or wheel bearing..?

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 26-11-2012

No-one got any ideas about this? Or suggestions on other ways to try and find the root of the problem?

RE: Odd noise... - samass - 26-11-2012

how does the bearing feel when you spin it by hand?

tho the juddering to me points to a driveshaft...

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 26-11-2012

Feels ok tbh, and the juddering doesn't transmit through the steering like I would expect with a driveshaft. Although would I be able to feel the juddering through the steering if it was the shaft, don't actually know..?

RE: Odd noise... - samass - 26-11-2012

not really, no, when you get it on the road, try slow turns at full lock, accelerating and decelerating using engine braking, it should knock

otherwise, possibly intermediate driveshaft bearing?

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 27-11-2012

Ok i'll get out and try that in a bit, cheers man.

Could be, will check that too if everything else is good.

Out of interest, what does the big plastic-capped button on the front of the gearbox do? whistle

RE: Odd noise... - samass - 27-11-2012

That white nubbin thing? Nothing afaik, think its just an inspection port... Did you break it? lol

RE: Odd noise... - Matt - 27-11-2012

Are you wheel bolts tight? Tongue

Want me to inspect? On second thoughts your wheel would fall off on the m27 :/

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 27-11-2012

No, at least i don't think so. I took the cap off and poked it to see what it was, was surprised when it pushed in and sprung back.

Hahaha, funnily enough they weren't very tight. :p Are you about today? Fancy coming over to help in exchange for bacon and tomato sandwiches?

RE: Odd noise... - Matt - 27-11-2012

Sucks man I'm working today. Otherwise I'd be there in a heart beat! Will be free Friday before heading to Xmas meet if nothing else comes about

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 27-11-2012

Gash Sad Weather's shit, you don't want to be outside anyway lol.

RE: Odd noise... - Matt - 27-11-2012

Dry as f*ck here Smile hahah

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 28-11-2012

Seems the noise coming from the hub area is unrelated to the noise inside the cabin... Hmm

There's plenty of space to fit my fingers between the exhaust and subframe, but is it possible that the engine is moving enough on it's mounts to make it rub under load...?

RE: Odd noise... - samass - 28-11-2012

Possibly, engines and move a lot if the mounts are f*cked

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 28-11-2012

My mounts don't even look that knackered, don't really knock either... f*ck it, i've got a full spare set hanging around, will change them and see if that solves it. Thought i'd finished going in circles with this car, my mistake. Rolleyes

RE: Odd noise... - samass - 28-11-2012


no chance, circles circles cirlces hehe

ok, so the noise from the hub, thats the graunching/juddering noise?

whats the noise in the cabin?

RE: Odd noise... - 306Dan - 28-11-2012

centre bearing on the offside drive shaft?

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 29-11-2012

Nope, there was just a very similar noise coming from the hub that turned out to be a loose fitting. Put it back together, dropped her down and went to pull away for a test drive... Drrrrrrrrrrrr aaarrgghh ffs! Lol fail.

RE: Odd noise... - Just Sean - 29-11-2012

Theirs space between my sub frame and exhaust bit still bangs. Have got some new engine mounts so hopefully it goes away! It was you that said engine mounts... So heed your own advice!

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 29-11-2012

Hahaha yeah, i should just get on with it. Well i managed to get home in time to jack the car up before losing the light this afternoon lol, so hopefully i can get it done as soon as i get back from this weekend (Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin), change the whole set and see if it solves the problem.

RE: Odd noise... - Jonny81191 - 29-11-2012

paint the exhaust a bright colour where you think it's rubbing, then go for a drive before it goes off. You'll see if it's rubbing.

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 29-11-2012

Now there's a good idea, why did my brain fail me so badly?

RE: Odd noise... - Jonny81191 - 29-11-2012

Only reason I thought of it was that I pained my decat, then fitted it, now there's a nice shiny bit that has no paint lol

RE: Odd noise... - Poodle - 29-11-2012
