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decked rear end pic - Printable Version

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decked rear end pic - bayley - 16-11-2012

lowered the torsion bar yesterday at the local garage,was a bastard to do but after 3 hours this is a pic of what it looked like before adjusting it to the right height Smile

RE: decked rear end pic - gretsch-drummer - 16-11-2012

13" capri wheels? Must be a tad tight on the front brakes?

RE: decked rear end pic - bayley - 16-11-2012

(16-11-2012, 07:39 PM)gretsch-drummer Wrote: 13" capri wheels? Must be a tad tight on the front brakes?
fair bit of clearance tbh,had to bore the centres out a nats cock to fit the hub Smile but my steelies fit perfect on the capri ready for scrapping.