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wiring loom problem ? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: wiring loom problem ? (/showthread.php?tid=7848)

wiring loom problem ? - Millsy101 - 10-11-2012

i was just wondering if this was a major problem or not but i realised the other day hen i had my right indicator on and flashed my full beam my indicator went realy wierd and started going in a similar motion to how fast i flashed my beam i am no good with electrics and was wondering if it was a major problem or not ?

RE: wiring loom problem ? - Willo - 11-11-2012

That sounds like a bad earth somewhere

RE: wiring loom problem ? - Millsy101 - 11-11-2012

i will have to try and have a look

RE: wiring loom problem ? - Kwik - 14-11-2012

take apart and clean the stalk. it swarfs up and makes random connections. do it sooner rather then later as this can cause electrical fires