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Who says the Irish are stupid? - Printable Version

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Who says the Irish are stupid? - cwspellowe - 27-10-2012

Wouldn't be like them to fail to understand a joke.. would it?

RE: Who says the Irish are stupid? - Jonny81191 - 27-10-2012


F*cking LOL!

RE: Who says the Irish are stupid? - Choppin - 27-10-2012

Lmfao! Epic win!

Re: Who says the Irish are stupid? - WiNgNuTz - 27-10-2012

ROFL, that's pretty damn funny, completely flew over her head! lmao

RE: Who says the Irish are stupid? - Just Sean - 27-10-2012

According to the youtbe comments it was a "ricky gervais" Joke!

RE: Who says the Irish are stupid? - JackLewis_Dturbo - 27-10-2012

hahahahahaha DUMB BITCH lol

RE: Who says the Irish are stupid? - puglove - 27-10-2012

lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao

WTF how did she miss that, As well as the bloke lmao

RE: Who says the Irish are stupid? - Eeyore - 28-10-2012

omg that was hilarious! bet the guy who sent that one in was loving it!