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cyclones - Printable Version

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cyclones - bowers - 25-10-2012

got a spare set of cyclones i want to sell. i was going to keep and try to refurb them but had them for like 4 month and not got round to it so i guess i never will!!
2 of the alloys are in perfect condition, painted red and the tyres have lots of tread left.
the other 2 have slight kerbing, not massive. arent bucled or anything, one has started being sprayed red and the other is still silver. tyres are quite worn.
im looking for around 70 collected from stoke on trent Smile

cyclones - bowers - 27-10-2012


RE: cyclones - bigcheez2k3 - 27-10-2012

Should post some pics, will help with your sale Smile