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Petrol or diesel - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Petrol or diesel (/showthread.php?tid=73)

Petrol or diesel - Craig-o - 05-12-2011


Rofl cue the biggest can of worms

P.S I smell

Re: Petrol or diesel - Dan! - 05-12-2011

Diesel has more torque but they smell funny.

Re: Petrol or diesel - Niall - 05-12-2011

Petrol goes BWAAAARP and diesel belongs In a John Deere. Simple really....

Re: Petrol or diesel - 4WayDiablo - 05-12-2011

ahaha erm.. welll
dirty derv FTW

Re: Petrol or diesel - Dum-Dum - 05-12-2011

Instant Ban IMO

Was gonna edit to sheep or man (as hes welsh) with a poll.

I recon the vote would go 100% sheep for your next partenr

Re: Petrol or diesel - Craig-o - 05-12-2011

Sheep will do Wink

Re: Petrol or diesel - THE_Liam - 06-12-2011

This forum has been around like 2 minutes and already the most annoying thread in the world has been started...

Re: Petrol or diesel - Matt - 06-12-2011

Petrol for the bwarrrrpppppppp

Re: Petrol or diesel - declantg - 06-12-2011

diesel Big Grin

I love john deere =/

Re: Petrol or diesel - Poodle - 06-12-2011

Diesel - proper, honest fuel. Won't see diesel poncing around in a ferrari will you?!

Re: Petrol or diesel - sweeney1987 - 06-12-2011

Diesel everyday of the week, except my current daily is a petrol :$

Re: Petrol or diesel - Mattcheese31 - 06-12-2011

Neither, Veg . . . . . . it's the fuel of a Yorkshireman . . Big Grin

Re: Petrol or diesel - Matt - 06-12-2011

Mattcheese31 Wrote:Neither, Veg . . . . . . it's the fuel of a Yorkshireman . . Big Grin

Have to throw a spanner in the works hey matt lol

Re: Petrol or diesel - THE_Liam - 06-12-2011

Mattcheese31 Wrote:Veg . . . . . . it's the fuel of a Yorkshireman . . Big Grin

Sig quoted Big Grin

Re: Petrol or diesel - Ian - 08-12-2011

Why pick one? Have both Smile

Re: Petrol or diesel - Moonstone2.0 - 08-12-2011

diesel as they are cheaper to run...with more power...and are just a bit more manly :p

Petrol or diesel - Jonny b - 08-12-2011

Derv for a family car!! petrol for mine bbbwwwwaaaaarrrrrppppppppp

Re: Petrol or diesel - Carlos182 - 08-12-2011

Diesel ftw.

Coal and powahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Big Grin

Re: Petrol or diesel - Ian - 08-12-2011

Jonny b Wrote:Derv for a family car!! petrol for mine bbbwwwwaaaaarrrrrppppppppp

Same here, Rallye for me, new Rocco (the mrs's) for when i need to go somewhere distance.

Re: Petrol or diesel - Hannah! - 08-12-2011


Re: Petrol or diesel - Chris - 08-12-2011

Diesel FTW.

Re: Petrol or diesel - procta - 09-12-2011

best of both worlds for me