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MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - Printable Version

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MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - cwspellowe - 07-10-2012

Possibly a repost but made me seriously LOL!

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - Dum-Dum - 07-10-2012


RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - Scott - 07-10-2012

lmao Got me in stitches

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - Eeyore - 07-10-2012

he spelt nigguh wrong...

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - cwspellowe - 07-10-2012


(07-10-2012, 10:15 PM)SRowell Wrote: he spelt nigguh wrong... I should know, I invented the word

[Image: like-a-sir-cool-story-bro.jpg]

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - 4WayDiablo - 08-10-2012

Hahaah lmao get the water nigga!

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - Matt - 08-10-2012


RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - Kimmie - 08-10-2012

Haha that was amazing! We then proceeded to watch the others... LOL

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - declantg - 08-10-2012

Holy f*ck, watching this after a tomato sandwich is amazing

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - Poodle - 08-10-2012


Bit early Dec, no?

'Tis a repost, but it's a fooking hilarious one so i'll let you off. Wink

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - declantg - 08-10-2012

Never to early man Smile especially since I worked 6am to 2 Smile

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - Poodle - 08-10-2012

Hahaha snap!

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - MarkTD - 08-10-2012


RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - stevieg - 08-10-2012

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lmao

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - Tom - 08-10-2012

HAhahahahahaha thats f*cking briliant!

RE: MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - cwspellowe - 17-10-2012

Bump for the sheer hilarity, still has me in stitches lmao

MuddafukkinbootlegfireworkSHIIIT - Jonny b - 17-10-2012

Ha ha ha f*cking awsome