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Wanted: Timing belt case - Printable Version

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Timing belt case - Dicky - 04-10-2012

Need one for my D Turbo, anyone got?

RE: Timing belt case - CJ_Derv - 04-10-2012

which parts i may have spare top 2parts but unsure about lower pulley cover

RE: Timing belt case - Smiley69 - 04-10-2012

If CJ can't help you out I believe I have a a complete set.

Can check this evening.

RE: Timing belt case - Dicky - 04-10-2012

(04-10-2012, 06:53 AM)CJ_Derv Wrote: which parts i may have spare top 2parts but unsure about lower pulley cover
Need all preferably
(04-10-2012, 07:51 AM)Smiley69 Wrote: If CJ can't help you out I believe I have a a complete set.

Can check this evening.
Cheers bud

RE: Timing belt case - Smiley69 - 04-10-2012


Got all three, top two are off and the lower is still insitu. Will have a few hours tomoz to try and get the crank pulley and bolt off.

Will let you know how I get on.

RE: Timing belt case - CJ_Derv - 05-10-2012

Im missing bottom im afraid go with Smiley69 Buddy Smile

RE: Timing belt case - Smiley69 - 07-10-2012


1 22mm socket later and the bottom cover is now off!

All three are off ons on my shelf if you still need them.

Meant to get back to you on Fri to let you know it was ready, however that's when my socket decided to have an early retirement!