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Pretty polished pug! - Printable Version

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Pretty polished pug! - MarkTD - 29-09-2012

So the pug was absolutely filthy and well overdue a wash, so since it was a good day I decided to wash her!

[Image: D9D062FD-A7BE-4A41-B3E9-45F93C122C3B-625...8B7F5B.jpg][Image: 502CE288-C302-49FC-81C6-1A96D651D4ED-625...F44321.jpg][Image: 8E28969E-4F5A-41C9-8071-ADA3EACFD34E-625...8F577B.jpg]

[Image: A2CFAACC-EE40-45B0-81EC-889CE96A83A6-638...910D7C.jpg][Image: 91D170AE-3439-4D3E-BB31-94E89C55F344-638...7B4D48.jpg][Image: F8B61535-65B5-4378-8C96-EEF36E3EC141-625...EB4E9D.jpg]

RE: Pretty polished pug! - 4WayDiablo - 29-09-2012

Need to get rid of the harriers man! Looks awesome otherwise

RE: Pretty polished pug! - squarepants - 29-09-2012

didnt know it was you mark lol. i know who you are now, you want to buy my exhaust on facebook.

comes up well mate Smile

RE: Pretty polished pug! - MarkTD - 29-09-2012

Yes it's me Big Grin lol

I've become attached to the harriers lol but the clones are going on soon!