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Photoshop Boredom - Printable Version

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Photoshop Boredom - puglove - 28-09-2012

Dont know if its just me or if every one does it from time to time. When im board and at a loose end i always find myself fecking about on photo shop, so lets see what every one has done?

these are a few of mine

RE: photo shop boardom - karl1989 - 28-09-2012

heres some i saved on comp. nothing special

[Image: NissanLeaf.jpg]
[Image: newrangerover.jpg]
[Image: vwpassatcc.jpg]
[Image: VDUBLUPO-1.jpg]

RE: photo shop boardom - MissTap_GTI6 - 28-09-2012

These are great! Big Grin

RE: photo shop boardom - Grant - 28-09-2012

Lovin the range rover pickup!

Re: Photoshop Boredom - WiNgNuTz - 28-09-2012

FLOL @ the police van on clones! lmao

RE: Photoshop Boredom - rocker8742 - 28-09-2012

One from a while ago
[Image: Beetle1.jpg]

Transit looks sweet

RE: Photoshop Boredom - puglove - 29-09-2012

Some good efforts there guys.

Anyone eles?

RE: Photoshop Boredom - Matt - 29-09-2012

Should see Craig-o's work, that's pretty good! Remember his input on the photoshop threads lol

RE: Photoshop Boredom - stevieg - 29-09-2012

FLOL at the bully van lmao

RE: Photoshop Boredom - Eeyore - 29-09-2012

i feel a photoshop competition thread coming on...

RE: Photoshop Boredom - Kezzieboy - 29-09-2012

I have tonnes, but they're all on the network drive at home, haven't done any in ages!