306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
206/307 Tempest Alloy Wheels 17" - Printable Version

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206/307 Tempest Alloy Wheels 17" - Chris - 26-09-2012

I have for sale my set of Tempest wheels which were a dealer accessory for the 206 and 307 in this size (standard on the 307 quicksilver in 16's)

All 4 wheels are in need of a refurb and are missing the centre caps
But are straight and true, there was no kurb damage to these wheels before I refurbed them.

They are 6.5x17 with a offset of ET31 (same as challengers)

[Image: TestValley-20120926-00079.jpg]

When I fitted them to my old 6 after they were refurbed
[Image: IMG00287-20110309-1154.jpg]
[Image: IMG00284-20110309-1154.jpg]
[Image: IMG00283-20110308-1706.jpg]

After £60 quid for them.

RE: 206/307 Tempest Alloy Wheels 17" - Chris - 09-10-2012

Any interest before I scrap them?