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ball joints - Printable Version

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ball joints - declantg - 23-09-2012

Just ordered myself a new set and was wondering how hard they are to Change .

cheers in advance

RE: ball joints - 306__xrdt - 23-09-2012

They are easy to change, but you need car jack or something else to keep the pressure off the balljoint.
Best is using shock absorber lifting tool.
The 3 bolts can be difficult to gett off if they are rustet so WD40 and sprey it good before taking it off.
Find a big flat screw driver to get it between balljoint and mounting brack.
Give it a good whack with hammer to get it off.
Remember the one long bolt needs to be exact back again with new ball joint otherwise it wont fit.
Sorry for bad English i am from Norway.
Good luck Smile

RE: ball joints - declantg - 23-09-2012

You are an absolute star, repped!

RE: ball joints - 306__xrdt - 23-09-2012

You are welcome you can also check out youtube there are allot off stuff there to
about changing balljoint maby not Peugeot 306 but it is almost the same way changing balljoint.

Check this person out from Amerika i have learned allot off this person
Spesial for you changing balljoint

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