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GT15/KO3 manifold and elbow wanted - Printable Version

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GT15/KO3 manifold and elbow wanted - Ben - 23-09-2012

As title!

RE: GT15/KO3 manifold and elbow wanted - declantg - 23-09-2012

Will check my mani for you xx

Re: GT15/KO3 manifold and elbow wanted - Dan! - 23-09-2012

T2 elbow will be fine mate, just need the mani x

RE: GT15/KO3 manifold and elbow wanted - Ben - 23-09-2012

Yeah I'm going to use t2 elbow cos I'm pretty sure its wider. Just want both so I can have the choice though! Cheers Dec!

RE: GT15/KO3 manifold and elbow wanted - Ben - 08-10-2012


RE: GT15/KO3 manifold and elbow wanted - Ricky - 08-10-2012

I've got a k03 manifold I don't need, £10 plus postage?

RE: GT15/KO3 manifold and elbow wanted - Ben - 08-10-2012

Both gasket surfaces good? If they are then yes please, PM your PayPal address..