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Lights, Camera, Photoshop! - Printable Version

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Lights, Camera, Photoshop! - C.A.R. - 14-09-2012

See what I done?

Anyway, replacement fog light lense fitting tomorrow, wondered if I should go yellow on them? Did it on my old 306 and it looked alright, just not sure against the Moonstone?

Anywho, here's the original -

[Image: 20120715_233534-1.jpg]

With black masks and yellow fogs -

[Image: masks.jpg]

Clear fogs & black masks -

[Image: masks1.jpg]

Then tried colour-coding the masks, but to be honest it looks more like the car is about to burst into tears more than anything else!

[Image: masks2.jpg]

RE: Lights, Camera, Photoshop! - Niall - 14-09-2012

No. Doesn't suit moonstone. Only really suits dark cars. Black masks and black fogs would be win

RE: Lights, Camera, Photoshop! - declantg - 14-09-2012

Black masks + rallye blanks imo

RE: Lights, Camera, Photoshop! - Ed Doe - 14-09-2012

Black masks and yellow fogs ftw mate. looks awesome Tongue

RE: Lights, Camera, Photoshop! - Danny2009 - 14-09-2012

Haven't put a poll for masks and clear fogs but that gets my vote!

RE: Lights, Camera, Photoshop! - samass - 14-09-2012

i say leave it standard, looks better with the manstain imo