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Wanted: Slightly random.... - Printable Version

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Slightly random.... - samass - 08-09-2012

Right, possibly a long shot, buuut I need the component to scart adapter for a ps3. I can find mine, and I'll be damned if I'm paying a fiver for one from Asda!
That and a can't be arsed to look on eBay. Effort.

RE: Slightly random.... - WiNgNuTz - 08-09-2012

Randomly enough, ive just made a post about my ps3, and im now using HDMI leads, so have got the component to scart lead spare!

I'll try and get it wrapped up and posted for you if you PM me your address. Call it repayment for the chrome paint you sent me! Big Grin

just read your post again, do you need the lead, or just the little adaptor bit?

RE: Slightly random.... - samass - 08-09-2012

Tried to reply like three times to.this and my battery died each time! Rage.

Anyway, just the adapter bit, cheers man! Pm in coming

RE: Slightly random.... - WiNgNuTz - 08-09-2012

On another subject, your sig pic is fecking HUGE!!!!

On topic, pm replied to, and no probs, ill get on it! Wink

RE: Slightly random.... - Matt - 08-09-2012

Sig is massive!!!! Man I miss Irene Sad

RE: Slightly random.... - samass - 08-09-2012

Haha yeah I know, can't be f*cked to resize it, later :p

I know dude, makes me sad. But, people have to see the awesomeness haha