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Two Head units - Printable Version

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Two Head units - cully - 02-09-2012

this weekend i managed to get hold of a 7" touch screen dvd mp3 player for the car,
ive been wanting one of these for a while now as my JVC head unit has a crap menu system for browsing Lots of MP3's

now i have a nice easy touch screen menu system

the lower head unit power comes from the same supply as the top piggy backed off of the iso plug
the lower output is fed via low level into the line in of the top head unit



RE: Two Head units - Eeyore - 02-09-2012

good stuff. I thought of doing this to mine. Your clock is still yellow! D:

Two Head units - bowers - 04-09-2012

The hole you've put the touch screen in, did you have to cut it or anything to get it to fit?

RE: Two Head units - 1616six - 04-09-2012

Exactly what I did in my old Astra.

Tempted to do the same with the 306 but I never used the DVD HU after the novelty wore off

RE: Two Head units - cully - 04-09-2012

(04-09-2012, 09:42 AM)bowers Wrote: The hole you've put the touch screen in, did you have to cut it or anything to get it to fit?

yes i had to cut out the original pocket and enlarge the hole to fit the head unit,and also had to remove the duct work piping for the side air vents near your knees

Two Head units - bowers - 04-09-2012

Wish you'd done a guide Sad really wanna do this!

RE: Two Head units - puglove - 04-09-2012

Cully you do know how to make somthing easy into somthing rather complex Confused

Good work tho, loving the idea

RE: Two Head units - samass - 05-09-2012

yeah paul, wish youd done a guide, i want to relocate my HU, and i cant be bothered to think for myself!!

did the cage just clip in alright once you'd opened the orifice? (giggity)

RE: Two Head units - gumball3000 - 05-09-2012

Pretty cool.. Good job i cant do this in a phase1 otherwise i would be cutting things by now lol

RE: Two Head units - cully - 05-09-2012

yes the cage did clip in once the hole was big enough but i had to support the head unit as it is suspended just by the cage
i used two bits of pipe lagging on the tunnel to support the head unit from below

i cut the hole out with a dremel and used a sanding drum to enlarge the hole till it was big enough for the cage

RE: Two Head units - samass - 05-09-2012

Ahhh cool. Yeah figured there'd have to be some of rear support. Just need a spare console to butcher Big Grin

Two Head units - bowers - 05-09-2012

Can't think for myself. No need be a pea-narse! I have no idea bout cars or electrics so need every bit of help I can get when doing something.

RE: Two Head units - Niall - 05-09-2012

(05-09-2012, 04:40 PM)samass Wrote: Ahhh cool. Yeah figured there'd have to be some of rear support. Just need a spare console to butcher Big Grin

ive got one you can have. And dont really need a guide do you? its not exactly difficult you twat!

Two Head units - bowers - 05-09-2012

Mate I wouldn't have a clue how to wire up a stereo in that hole. I'm a complete newby so ye I would!
And why am I a twat?!

RE: Two Head units - Niall - 05-09-2012

no i was talking to samass lol. I know he knows these things. hes just lazy.

if you like i can write up a guide at some point but obviously it wont have any photos

Two Head units - bowers - 05-09-2012

I thought samass was takin the piss out of me cuz I wanted a guide.
That would be brilliant Smile
Now to try get hold of a cheapish touch screen DVD player Wink

RE: Two Head units - Niall - 05-09-2012

time to get paint on the go then!

RE: Two Head units - samass - 05-09-2012

Haha nope, I am.just bone idle!
Sweet, grab it off you tomorrow sweet cheeks?

RE: Two Head units - Niall - 05-09-2012

yeah no worries darling