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stuck the pug on the rollers - Printable Version

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stuck the pug on the rollers - td_dan - 14-08-2012

Miami ph1 XUD - 137.9(bhp)/208.4(ft-lbs)

1.9 xud full service, gov shimmed 5-6mm, MBC on T2 running 24psi, straight through exhaust with 3 and half inch outward rolled GTi-6 backbox and shitty k and n filter

what do you think
[Image: 306rollingroad.jpg]

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - Dum-Dum - 14-08-2012

Good work mate.

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - Ricky - 14-08-2012

If it's a standard GTI 6 backbox, get rid or rip the insides out, that will be holding it back a bit. Good result though!

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - Matt - 14-08-2012

Good job mate Smile

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - 4WayDiablo - 14-08-2012

Nice pull :-)

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - cwspellowe - 14-08-2012

Is it just me or is torque a little on the low side?

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - td_dan - 15-08-2012

thanks all pretty happy with it

Ricky thats next on the list

cwspellowe i thought that but it feels pretty goodwhen driving lol

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - 1616six - 15-08-2012

Decent stuff dan,

Any pics or updates on my old sigma? would be good to see it

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - td_dan - 15-08-2012

that got sold mate he's bought a bmw now lol

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - 1616six - 15-08-2012

seriously haha, bugger what state was it in when it went?

stuck the pug on the rollers - td_dan - 16-08-2012

It was pretty good nick with a stainless exhaust and a stage 1 it went realli well

Sent from my BlackBerry 8520 using Tapatalk

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - Ruan - 16-08-2012

That'd produce a shedload more torque if the exhaust was less restrictive...

Peak tq is coming in at 3350 - that should come in closer to 2900rpm with a T2, that'd bump up your torque figure and make it much more driveable... Give you much more "area under the graph" which is what tuning diesels is all about - something petrols can't do.

Also I'm going to guess he completely bogged it out on the dyno... I also with dyno places wouldn't smooth the graph - I want to see exactly what's going on - that's so heavilly smoothed off you can barely see what's going on!

My car with a K14, shimmed gov, admittedly 11mm but wouldn't make that much difference made 146hp and 250lb.ft torque, yours should be closer to the 220lb.ft mark I'd say.

stuck the pug on the rollers - td_dan - 16-08-2012

Thanks ruan your input is greatly appreciated and the backbox will be emptied once I have the chance there is a lot more to give yet,

I mean the lda is completly untouch as is anymore internal work but I have a few little things in the pipelines and I may go bigger turbo just for the hell of it and yeah they did bog it down even though I asked to to do it progressively but you can't win them all and next time I will ask for the (unsmoothed) graph aswell

I want to get the 205 sorted firstly which is what I'm building my second pump for Smile

Sent from my BlackBerry 8520 using Tapatalk

RE: stuck the pug on the rollers - Poodle - 16-08-2012

As Ruan says, really need a bigger exhaust, that backbox is clearly strangling it at higher revs. Or is that the lack of lda mod that i'm seeing...? Looks good otherwise though, nice one!