306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Wanted: hockey stick clips - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Wanted: hockey stick clips (/showthread.php?tid=5441)

hockey stick clips - aggyj17 - 09-08-2012

as above. the clips that clips the hockey stick to the wing both needed

hockey stick clips - Frosty - 09-08-2012

What phase?

Re: hockey stick clips - aggyj17 - 09-08-2012

ph1 mate

hockey stick clips - Frosty - 09-08-2012

I got some. You going to the meet on Sunday at oakhampton?

Re: hockey stick clips - aggyj17 - 09-08-2012

no im not mate im at work and its 290 miles away from me lol. are you able to post?

Re: hockey stick clips - WiNgNuTz - 09-08-2012

I bought one from pug the other day after snapping one, came in at a whopping 62p, might be easier to do that than to get one posted mate. Smile

Re: hockey stick clips - aggyj17 - 09-08-2012

yea ok then mate. have you got a part no.