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what lock sets fit a 306 - Printable Version

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what lock sets fit a 306 - chippyba - 24-07-2012

Hi out there just wondering if other models of pugs locks will fit a 306

RE: what lock sets fit a 306 - Niall - 24-07-2012

I think a 106 set might fit. The ignition barrel won't though.

RE: what lock sets fit a 306 - ginge191 - 24-07-2012

306's are all over the show; surely you're not having trouble sourcing one, or, a new set from pug isn't that tough!?

RE: what lock sets fit a 306 - spike2002 - 24-07-2012

If its any good to you i have a lock set compleate with ignition barrel, both doors, boot and glove box and one key blade removed from a phase1 Smile