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Door handles - Printable Version

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Door handles - Matt - 29-06-2012

Are they the same shape/size/fitting on 3dr and 5dr?

RE: Door handles - samass - 29-06-2012


RE: Door handles - Pompey306mark - 29-06-2012

I believe so

RE: Door handles - Ben Jay - 29-06-2012

Not liking the grey any more then? haha

Door handles - ash240970 - 29-06-2012

Only the fronts are the same on 3dr as a 5dr. The rear handles on a 5 door are different from fronts though very nearly identical to each other but I'm not sure if they are sided but there are only a couple of very subtle minor differences. Ph1 & 2 handles are fixed by torx screw and a nut whereas ph3 handles are riveted on. Hope that helps.