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Decoking - Printable Version

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Decoking - Jenkosowls - 23-06-2012

Any one get any recommendations for Decoking the eye crap out of manifolds? Preferably cheap and easy to obtain!


RE: Decoking - n0v0s - 23-06-2012

Eye crap? Lol

If your on about the slimy shit in the inlet, just try wipe as much of it of by hand.. And use strong degreaser. IF you have access to Compressed air and a Gas Torch, you can burn the shit out. Check it out on YouTube.. Basically blow air through to initiate/ accelerate the burn and the soot/oil will burn off.

RE: Decoking - Connor - 23-06-2012

Send it to rehab *badum tshhhhh*

Decoking - Jtrigga - 24-06-2012

I filled it with petrol and lit it with a lighter then just leave to burn for added effect I blew an air line in Smile

RE: Decoking - Ruan - 24-06-2012

Water Methanol Injection, cleans the inlet system like nothing else.

RE: Decoking - Rippthrough - 26-06-2012


Or petrol and a lighter. Proper fuel sorts it out!

RE: Decoking - Jenkosowls - 27-06-2012

it was while the inlet was off mind but in the end scrapped as much out as possible and used various de greasing crap to remove what i could!

RE: Decoking - kernow_joe - 27-06-2012

(24-06-2012, 01:06 AM)Ruan Wrote: Water Methanol Injection, cleans the inlet system like nothing else.
this or fire

Decoking - ash240970 - 27-06-2012

Get a can of carb cleaner and spray copious amounts onto it and then set fire - a can of carb cleaner is cheap enough and I also use this method to clean up brake shoes where the piston seal has gone and leaked brake fluid all over them - works a treat but let them cool before attempting to pick them up again :0

RE: Decoking - Jenkosowls - 27-06-2012

methanol injection is one of the few things i have planned getting rid of the egr completely is a good move so far!

RE: Decoking - n0v0s - 27-06-2012

EGR is bullshit. If you think the inlet manifold is full of shit... you should check out the inlet valves!

RE: Decoking - daddyfixit - 27-06-2012

ferric chloride; buy it from a chemist, it mixes with water and is highly caustic---seen a fella use it on a vw pd engines inlet manifold (on another forum) and it eats what it touches !!!!!

once brake fluid has got onto the shoes, it soaks in---so even when you rough them up and spray them with brake cleaner/carb cleaner/petrol and then set fire to them !!

all you are really doing is cleaning the surface;
given, they wil look all nice and clean again and when refitted (as when you apply the brakes) , the heat from the friction will draw the fluid towards the surface and cause brakes to pull /snatch on that side.

if dry friction linings get soaked in oil/brake fluid then they are effectively---finished.

RE: Decoking - lolsteve - 27-06-2012

I've heard spraying water or carb cleaner into the inlet while it's running works. Have to have the engine up to temp and then hold it at half throttle then spray away until it's about to stall then hold back and go again

RE: Decoking - sweeney1987 - 29-06-2012

seen a few on the veg oil forum using steam cleaners to decoke engines, applying steam after the turbo(i.e take off intercooler on 306s)
seems to help response according to those whove done it