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Quote for MOT pass repair, is this ok? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Quote for MOT pass repair, is this ok? (/showthread.php?tid=4391)

Quote for MOT pass repair, is this ok? - cpikey316_ - 22-06-2012

Right, the mrs Petrol 306 failed its MOT.

For a loose CV gaiter, they want £17 to sort this out.

The other side needs replacing, they want 9.51 for a CV boot and £50 to replace it.

Front suspension arm has play in a ball joint.. They want £66 for an 'arm' and £50 to fit it.

They also say it needs tracking, £40 to sort this.

All in, inc vat its £265.

Is this reasonable or are they taking the p*ss

RE: Quote for MOT pass repair, is this ok? - vlj - 22-06-2012

http://www.eurocarparts.com/search/615545040/p/car-parts - £34 for the arm
http://www.club-306.com/topic/21998-how-to-change-a-front-wishbone/ decent guide on wishbone changing

RE: Quote for MOT pass repair, is this ok? - HDIkyle - 22-06-2012

A new driveshaft is cheaper! I got a driveshaft for the 106 with 2 years warrenty for less than a new boot fitted. Tracking is only usually £15 also!

Jubilee clip will also sort a loose gaiter i did this on the large side and it cleared the subframe fine Smile

RE: Quote for MOT pass repair, is this ok? - Connor - 23-06-2012

£17 for them to put a cable tie around the boot, lol that would cost you about £100 to fix yourself... Only thing they need to do is the tracking