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Opinions? - Printable Version

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Opinions? - kentiiboii - 18-06-2012

At fcs saw led strips for sale £2 a strip. But then I saw the bloke, he wasn't my type.
But anyway had what I though would look rather good or end up looking chavvy.
Here's the result.

Opinions? - Matt - 18-06-2012


Opinions? - kentiiboii - 18-06-2012

Thanks Matt. Too chavvy or just don't look right?
I must say the picture don't do it justice. Does look kinda cool. Smile

RE: Opinions? - kingy - 18-06-2012

Chavy,,,,yeah. But I think I like em. Wouldn't have em on mine but I've seen worse.

Opinions? - kentiiboii - 18-06-2012

I think if they was a propper colour they'd look very chavvy. But they're white and match very well with the hids. But the moonstone make them have a little blue tint. Next door neibour said he likes them. And his answer to everything is "it's French!" lol.

RE: Opinions? - Curt - 18-06-2012

Sorry, but me no likey.

Opinions? - Matt - 18-06-2012

Look alright, but think its a little chavy lol

Opinions? - kentiiboii - 18-06-2012

That's why I went for white hoping they wouldn't look chavvy. Think I may leave them on a couple days and see if my mind changes. Just thought for the sake of £4 worth trying. Was either going to work or not. Smile

RE: Opinions? - sweeney1987 - 19-06-2012

Dont like them myself either.
If you had a way of merging them into the hocky sticks they might be ok

RE: Opinions? - samass - 19-06-2012



i really cant decide! my mind is tellingme 'no, leds are chavvy, end of!', but these dont look too bad!!

RE: Opinions? - zx_volcane - 19-06-2012


RE: Opinions? - 4WayDiablo - 19-06-2012

I think they look alright actually look better because of the brilliant white and ESP against the God's
But it is a little chavvy and probably wouldn't do it to mine

RE: Opinions? - puglove - 19-06-2012

Different but................ Chavy IMO

RE: Opinions? - WiNgNuTz - 19-06-2012

I think they look alright against the HID's, but for the full package, i'd fit a set of LED sidelights too. Not sure theyd suit anything other than light colours though (i.e. Manstain or Bianca...) Big Grin

Opinions? - kentiiboii - 19-06-2012

Yeah I'm ordering white led side lights. Smile i do like them. They look loads better in person. But I am also thinking chavvy. But I also like them.

RE: Opinions? - petegledhill - 19-06-2012

new take on dtrl's or just bringing back the neons?

Opinions? - kentiiboii - 19-06-2012

If you mean daytime running lights then no. As you can't really see them in the day as the actual led strip is hidden further up the grill. Just the glow you see Smile.

Opinions? - Jukie88 - 01-07-2012

I think take the plastic lenses off you're lights put the strips inside the lights as side lights maybe ??