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An update on Dan! - Printable Version

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An update on Dan! - Hannah! - 09-06-2012

As a lot of you already know, Dan had a mountain bike accident early last Saturday evening at Chicksands in Befordshire where he fell from 10ft in the air and landed on his hands. He ended up waiting around in Stevenage A&E for a number of hours where he was x-rayed, pulled about, bandaged up and told he had a shattered left elbow joint and a shattered right wrist with broken scaphoid which would need operating on.

Dans dad travelled up to Stevenage on the Saturday evening and brought Dan back to Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital on sunday morning where he waited until Tuesday for his operation which started around 8pm and was finished by 2.30am on wednesday morning. The ball part of the joint on his left elbow was shattered and the socket part had 3 pieces broken off it, resulting in a dislocated elbow joint. A prosthetic socket had to be fitted to his elbow. His right wrist was shattered and a titanium plate was screwed to the bones in the wrist joint, an external brace was fitted also (this will be removed in 3-4 weeks).

Dan hours before his op:


and some awful bruising that has come up from the op:


Wednesday and Thursday this week were Dans most painful days as the hospital hadn't found the right mix of painkillers to maintain a steady level of pain, some of the drugs were causing him problems, not working for him and bringing up a rash. Thursday morning he was put on some new, stronger drugs and his arms have been feeling much better since. Although this morning he managed to pull a muscle in his chest whilst trying to sit up in bed, which has caused him a lot of pain and breathing problems throughout today.

The rods in his wrist the day after op:



Even in the sorry state he is in, he's determined not to miss out on a look at your cars and a catch up with you all next weekend. He is hoping to come up to the campsite on the saturday morning and leave late saturday night. He doesn't think he'll be able to comfortably sleep in a tent with his arms the way they are and doesn't want to risk getting his arms bashed into walking around the show on sunday and he can barely carry the weight of his 5kg cast.
The Bora may still be making an appearance depending on how much it'll cost for me to get insured on it as apparently his car is cooler than mine!

His hefty elbow cast!


What the rods looked like today when the dressing was being changed:

(They are usually covered with a bandage so they can't get caught on anything or traumatize anyone)

Showing off his injuries:



I'll be sure to keep you all updated on how Dan's progress but I'm sure as soon as he's a bit more active with his arms, he'll be straight back on here anyway! Smile

Re: An update on Dan! - Jonny81191 - 09-06-2012

Ouch. Get well soon Dan!

Re: An update on Dan! - WiNgNuTz - 09-06-2012

Glad to see he's on the mend, hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Get well soon mate! Big Grin

Re: An update on Dan! - samass - 09-06-2012

Ouch indeed! Be interested to see some pictures of the x rays if you've got any?
Hope those drugs work out for him and all heals sooner than expected.

Re: An update on Dan! - Diggers - 09-06-2012

hannah when you see dan, ask him if hes intrested in a bosch setup? Big Grin
and tell him to hurry up, hes got work to do.

Re: An update on Dan! - Eeyore - 09-06-2012

Good to hear hes on the mend! best wishes and all. Bet he loves 'iron man' and the song 'titanium' now :p

Re: An update on Dan! - Rippthrough - 09-06-2012

So Dan, does it feel like someone else hand?

Re: An update on Dan! - Jacko - 09-06-2012

What a trooper! Will be great to see you soon dude!

Re: An update on Dan! - Connor - 09-06-2012

Dans wrist has a strut brace for epic handling

An update on Dan! - Jonny b - 09-06-2012

Connor Wrote:Dans wrist has a strut brace for epic handling

Nope it's to stop his wrist flexing whilst wanking lol

Get well soon Dan

Re: An update on Dan! - Dum-Dum - 09-06-2012

Robo Dan!

Get well soon buddy.

At least the 306s of Norfolk are safe from you for now!

Re: An update on Dan! - ginge191 - 10-06-2012

Dan; this is hillarious! I really hope you get well soon!

An update on Dan! - ash240970 - 10-06-2012

Shame were not going to see him on the Sunday as there are loads of people that would like to say hi and wish him a speedy recovery.
Oh and years ago he would have been able to get 'relief' in hospital but unfortunately they've stopped it now due to too many nurses getting repetitive strain injuries lol. The first part is 100% true as i used to 'know' a few nurses in my younger days.
The repetitive strain injury part is made up though - knowing Dans luck he would have got a male nurse pmsl!!!

Re: An update on Dan! - Rippthrough - 10-06-2012

Don't tell him that, he'll stay in longer just in case.

Re: An update on Dan! - kingy - 10-06-2012

look at them socks in the first pic, last time i saw legs like that they were hanging out a nest.

get well soon dan. :clap:

Re: An update on Dan! - bearbenuk - 10-06-2012

Crikey! Get well soon man!

An update on Dan! - Matt - 10-06-2012

Is it just me that thinks his arm looks awesome the the rods haha.

All joking aside I really hope everything's going well and he gets better soon.

Re: An update on Dan! - daddyfixit - 10-06-2012

sorry for you fella thats sore !!

but can i say in picture 1 that its like an alter-ego photo ??? flowery dress and hold ups ?

Re: An update on Dan! - cully - 10-06-2012

Awsome job of wrecking yourself puts my efforts to shame!

heal quick with no pain and do the physio it does help loads
see you Saturday Dan Ive got a marker pen ready

oh have fun with the nurse's

Re: An update on Dan! - Niall - 10-06-2012

Glad to see he's not too upset about it all! Now man up an drive to fcs!

Re: An update on Dan! - kingy - 10-06-2012

^^ now that would be worth watching. he would have to have his drivers window down at least.

An update on Dan! - THE_Liam - 10-06-2012

Holy f*ck! My Internet breaks for a few days and when I come back folk have maimed themselves! That sounds really nasty, like a far worse version of what I did to my hand last February. Don't worry Dan, after a few weeks you cant feel the metal, I've got a steel T-piece running from my right wrist up to the knuckles of my 3rd and 4th fingers and I can't even feel that Smile

Re: An update on Dan! - Ruan - 10-06-2012

Learn to ride bike would you, Dan?

Get better soon, I'll come laugh at you at camping, aye?


Re: An update on Dan! - Mattcheese31 - 10-06-2012

hope you feel better soon old lad . . .gone and done it proper there ain't cha . . . . Smile

Re: An update on Dan! - mark_airey - 10-06-2012

At least your on the mend fella!

Hope your back up and able to wipe your own arse again soon! must suck lol

An update on Dan! - THE_Liam - 10-06-2012

That's a point, how does the arse wiping work? It was difficult enough using my left hand for 3 months...

Re: An update on Dan! - Grant - 10-06-2012

Holy mother of f*ck. Get well soon Dan. Props to you for making an appearance Saturday, must take some minerals to be getting out and about.

All the best for a speedy recovery Smile

Re: An update on Dan! - Alee83 - 10-06-2012

Mary mother of .... That cast is a whopper! Glad he's getting sorted. Poor guy! Will hope to sign his cast... Wink

Re: An update on Dan! - kingy - 10-06-2012

thats comitment for ya. well injured and still turns up for a beer.

ultimate "LIVING FOR 306"

Re: An update on Dan! - procta - 10-06-2012

get well soon dan